James Comey appeared for a 15-minute interview by Chris Wallace on FOX News Sunday this morning. When it comes to the FISA warrants whose verification and alleged facts he swore to, Comey asserted, he doesn’t know anything. As Director of the FBI he wasn’t familiar with the details; as the director, he’s “not kept informed.”
And he never oversaw investigation of the Trump campaign or of President Trump — just four individuals associated with the Trump campaign (two of whom were no longer associated with the campaign at the time).
And the Steele Dossier — it may have had its problems, but he’s not giving up on it. It’s not bunk.
How dirty is this cop? Very dirty. He nevertheless seems quite confident that he faces no consequences for his misconduct, and who can say he is wrong?
Quotable quote: “There were mistakes I consider more consequential than this during my tenure.”
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