As we all know, everything is raaaacist today. Even, the New York Times tells us, tiki bars. Tiki bars? Yup:
Since its invention, one kind of watering hole has seen America through its most grueling times: the tiki bar. . .
[A] new generation of beverage-industry professionals are shining a light on the genre’s history of racial inequity and cultural appropriation, which has long been ignored because it clashes with the carefree aesthetic. . . A new wave of industry professionals is reimagining these delicious contributions to cocktail culture, looking to shed the appropriation and racism that have accompanied tiki since its inception. . . A recent movement aims to shift from the word “tiki” to “tropical.”
[One critic says] “We started working with bartenders from different backgrounds who take their culture and share it in a way that creates appreciation and exchange, which is a different power dynamic from appropriation. It involves consent and equality.”
The article includes the gratuitous detail that one regular DC patron of tiki bars years ago was none other than . . . Richard Nixon! That seals it: tiki bars need to become woki bars, right away. (And need I mention that climate change makes an appearance in the article? Because of course it does.)
Reminder: Liberals want conservatives to shut up. Conservatives want liberals to . . . keep talking.
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