With waxworks effigy Joe Biden in post-debate meltdown, Steve spots a Kamala zeitgeist, starring Harris as Joe’s successor. In this high concept, the younger Kamala, 59, has the advantage over the older Trump, 78, and only Kamala can inherit the Biden-Harris $250 million campaign warchest.
For his part, Gavin Newsom is scrapping a plan to put a measure on the ballot to compete with a Republican-backed measure to reform Proposition 47. That measure, passed in 2014, basically legalized theft of property worth less than $950, but attorney general Kamala Harris named it the “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act.” Newsom’s cancelation is more evidence of his quest to replace the demented Biden, and the coiffed governor has something else in common with the Harris that voters might not know.
In her new book, Newsom Unleashed: The Progressive Lust for Unbridled Power, Ellie Gardey Holmes notes that Newsom and Gordon Getty helped elect Willie Brown mayor of San Francisco. Brown then appointed Newsom to the city’s Parking and Traffic Commission, followed by a promotion to the Board of Supervisors. “Newsom entered office entirely indebted to Willie Brown,” and locals referred to him as “an appendage of Willie Brown.” The powerful Democrat also had a thing for Kamala Harris, 30 years his junior.
Brown appointed Harris to lucrative sinecures and backed his main squeeze in runs for district attorney of San Francisco, attorney general of California, and everything beyond. So now contending for president are a former appendage of Willie Brown and a person experienced with Willie Brown’s appendage. On November 5, the pro-crime Proposition 47 could end, but the nation could have its first poontronage president.
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