Biden Commuted Sentence of Child-Murderer

On his way out of the White House, Joe Biden pardoned or commuted the sentences of around 2,500 “non-violent drug offenders.” But drug users don’t get incarcerated; the drug offenders in federal prisons are dealers. And anyone who thinks drug dealers who are worth a federal prosecution are “non-violent” is deluded.

But it came out a few days ago that one of the “non-violent drug offenders” whose sentence Biden commuted was Adrian Peeler, of Connecticut. Adrian Peeler’s brother was being prosecuted for murder, and two of the witnesses on the prosecution’s list were Karen Clarke and Leroy Brown. This is what Adrian Peeler was convicted of:

According to court documents, Adrian Peeler ambushed Clarke and Brown as they returned to their Bridgeport apartment. Brown was found face-down, shot dead at the top of the stairs. Clarke was found dead in a nearby bedroom, shot while apparently trying to call for help.

The “Brown” who was found face-down, shot by Adrian Peeler, was Leroy Brown, age 8. Karen Clarke was his mother.

Congratulations, Adrian, you’re a free man, courtesy of Joe Biden.

Peeler’s commutation has gotten a lot of publicity, especially in Connecticut. Far-left Senator Richard Blumenthal is unhappy about it:

There is much that one could say about this, starting with the fact that the ACLU–a worthless left-wing organization–gave the Biden White House a list of 2,500 “non-violent drug offenders” for Biden (or whoever) to pardon.

This is pretty revealing–a left-wing White House outsourcing the president’s constitutional pardon power to a left-wing policy organization. Sure, Joe Biden is senile. But was there ever any serious possibility that–forget about Joe–his staff would take the trouble to look into the ACLU’s list and verify that the people on it met the Left’s low bar for clemency? No. The ACLU provided the list, and Joe, probably not knowing where he was or what day it was, signed the document.

One wonders, too, about the role of the ACLU. Did the ACLU know about Peeler’s history as a killer? They may have. Peeler was sentenced to 25 years for the murders–not nearly long enough–but it was OK, since he was also sentenced to 35 years on the federal drug dealing charges, which would follow after the state incarceration. So the ACLU may well have thought that, as to the current sentence that would have kept the murderer in prison for another 35 years, Peeler was a “non-violent drug offender.”

This is the corrupt world, not just of the Biden administration, but of liberalism in general.

There is only one positive aspect of this story. Despite Adrian’s murdering two of the prosecution’s witnesses, his brother Russell was convicted of murder and sentenced to death. His sentence was reduced to life imprisonment when Connecticut abolished the death penalty. Too bad.

Oh, yeah, one more positive outcome: presumably we will never hear anything more from liberals about Donald Trump pardoning the January 6 protesters.

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