Emerson actually wrote — in a poem, no less — “Things are in the saddle, / And ride mankind.” The line doesn’t have the meaning that I remember, but it’s close enough to moderate the joy I take in reading the results of the latest Quinnipiac survey measuring attitudes toward President Trump, toward Elon Musk, toward immigration and deportations, toward the Democratic and Republican parties, and more.
The findings are all of interest one way or another. Some are disappointing. Vox populi, non vox dei. However, today we can enjoy this:
Voters’ views of the Democratic Party and Republican Party set new records since the Quinnipiac University Poll began asking [registered] voters about the parties in November 2008.
In today’s poll, 31 percent of voters have a favorable opinion of the Democratic Party, while 57 percent have an unfavorable opinion. This is the highest percentage of voters having an unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party since the Quinnipiac University Poll began asking this question.
Forty-three percent of voters have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party, while 45 percent have an unfavorable opinion. This is the highest percentage of voters having a favorable opinion of the Republican Party since the Quinnipiac University Poll began asking this question.
This marks the biggest favorability advantage the Republican Party (43 percent) has held over the Democratic Party (31 percent) since the Quinnipiac University Poll began asking these questions.
Quinnipiac summarizes the poll findings here. Axios includes a chart graphing the Quinnipiac Poll favorable/unfavorable finding for Democrats over time (screenshot below). Remember: “Things are in the saddle, / And ride mankind.”
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