Secret ceremony

When you violate a law in secret and subsequently proclaim that there is nothing to see here, you probably know you’re doing something wrong. That proposition bears on the illegal “swearing-in” ceremony conducted by the Democrats yesterday afternoon at the Minnesota History Center by senior judge Kevin Burke (pictured in the thumbnail on the home page).

Judge Burke’s active service as a regular judge expired in 2020 when he reached the mandatory retirement age of 70. His current appointment as a senior judge expires in June. In the meantime he will disgrace the Minnesota judiciary as the purported Democrat legislators disgrace their faux oaths, if that is possible.

John wrote up the background to the secret ceremony in the adjacent post. He noted the applicable statute in the update. You don’t have to bed a lawyer to interpret this statute. “The day appointed,” by the way, is tomorrow — not yesterday.

The DFL sent out a press release following the secret ceremony advising their allies in the Minnesota press that all is well. This is the party line.

State representative Walter Hudson is an eloquent Republican who was reelected this past November. He responds to the DFL press release in the post below. Walter is doing the job that our dominant local newspaper will not do. As I write this morning, the Star Tribune doesn’t even have a story on these shenanigans. I have taken screenshots to post Walter’s comment in its entirety. It is accessible here on X.

UPDATE: The Star Tribune posted an utterly unilluminating story at 8:26 this morning. The lack of illumination may be unintentional, but the Star Tribune is the house organ of the DFL with former Walz DEED commissioner Steve Grove at the top.

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