Tangled up in lies

State representative Walter Hudson has kindly compiled the video update below on the last week in Minnesota politics. I hesitate to reiterate the ins and outs of all the maneuvers and developments we have tried to track. The theme here is that Democrats are tangled in their own lies.

On Friday, the Minnesota Supreme Court held that Governor Walz had prematurely set the District 40B special election and must reset it in conformity with the applicable statute. Walz illegally issued his special election writ before the start of the legislative session at noon this past Tuesday. The court’s order is necessarily premised on the “vacancy” of the District 40B seat.

On Friday evening Dem House leader Melissa Hortman faced off with Republican House Speaker Lisa Demuth on public television’s Almanac. How bad was it? It was so bad that liberal Almanacc host Eric Eskola laughed out loud at Hortman’s spin. According to Hortman, the vacancy in District 40b that requires a special election to fill it — it’s not all that it appears. Hortman squares the circle with the lie that prompts Eskola’s laughter.

Democrats are apparently determined to boycott the legislative session until the special election is held. Until that time and assuming their candidate wins the special election, they are in the minority at 67-66 (assuming the Democrats are in office at all at present).

Democrats argue that the legislative session failed to launch on Monday for lack of a quorum, with only the 67 Republican members in attendance. That issue is now before the Minnesota Supreme Court. However, Friday’s court order (linked above) specifies that, under the applicable statutory provision, “a writ of special election could not issue until sometime after the start of the legislative session, which began on January 14, 2025…”

It seems that Democrats are in another box of their own devising, although I may be missing something. I am beginning to doubt my ability to follow the twists and turns of Dems’ stratagems, if not their story line.

OVERSIGHT: I should have noted at the outset that this scenario originated with the lie of the Democrats’ 40B candidate that he was a resident of the district he sought to represent. Once he got caught and called out, Democrat leadership followed with the subsequent lies I try to outline above.

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