Last call for Valour-IT this time around

Project Valour-IT — the organization that purchases laptops for severely wounded service members — is on the last day of its current fundraising campaign. We joined the Army team when it was mired in last place and called on the Internet’s most generous audience — our readers — to help this worthy cause. You helped the Army team move into first place for a while, and have in any event contributed a substantial perecntage of the total funds raised for this most worthy cause. Since we last wrote, however, the Marines have leafrogged back over our Army team. Please consider contributing to the Army team as the campaign winds up today.
This morning’s email brings the following message:

Thank you SO MUCH for your support of the wounded through Valour-IT, both this year and years past. Power Line has been a powerhouse for us. 😉
I just wanted to make sure you and the rest of the crew know that the Valour-IT fundraising competition is being extended just one more day — through Monday, due to Veterans Day being celebrated Monday instead of the calendar-designated Veterans Day.
We had a very slow start, but things have been picking up and I have faith in the generosity of our readers. Every dollar is so important, as what we raise in this event is going to need to cover Valour-IT expenditures for at least the next 4 months. Again, thank you so much. We at Valour-IT and Soldiers’ Angels are deeply grateful, and the wounded who benefit from your leadership even more so.

There can’t be a better way to observe Veterans Day than with a contribution to this worthy cause.

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