
Podcasts: The 3WHH & Ricochet Double-Header

Featured image Another podcast double-header for your weekend listening. First up, there is nothing “jejune” about this week’s edition of the 3WHH, except perhaps for the first-ever use of “jejune” in a podcast, but it is the perfect term to describe Joe Biden’s “farewell address,” which, aside from its jejune content, is a most welcome sound, since he will be gone in about another 48 hours, never to be heard from again »

Podcasts: An All New Format 3WHH, Ricochet, and WTH

Featured image It’s been a three-fer podcast week for me, with the resumption of both the Ricochet podcast on Friday, a guest turn on Dany Pletka and Marc Thiessen’s “What the Hell is Going?” podcast, and then today with the all-new format 3WHH, which is moving to its own wholly independent identity at Ricochet and on my “Political Questions” Substack. We have an all-new logo for the 3WHH, as you can see »

Podcast: The 3WHH Special Happy New Year’s Edition

Featured image Since so many of our fellow conservative podcasts are taking the holidays off, we decided to do another special mid-week edition to observe the new year, and gear up for some changes. Last year’s end of year show featured some low-probability but plausible predictions for 2024 (inspired by the late Wall Street guru Byron Weins’ annual practice, which was often right), and unlike other shows that never track prediction accuracy »

Podcast: The 3WHH, Osculate This!

Featured image Most of the marquee podcasts have taken the holidays off, but not the Three Whisky Happy Hour! We had some scheduling problems today that disrupted our plans for this episode, so it is a little shorter than usual. This final podcast of 2024 looks back on the top story and bottom story of the year, and you won’t be surprised to see some symmetries in our answers. It was a »

Podcasts: The 3WHH Advent Edition + Ricochet

Featured image We were going to take up the transcendent matters appropriate for the climax of Advent for this back-on-schedule Saturday morning podcast, but the headlines won’t let us! The dam started breaking this week about Joe Biden’s unfitness for office, which, as the Wall Street Journal reported, began during the 2020 campaign. Just who has been president for the last four years? And aside from the perfidy of the complacent and »

Podcast: The 3WHH on Globull Threats to Liberty

Featured image This special mid-week holiday edition of the 3WHH makes up for the lost ground over the weekend, when schedules prevented the bar from opening at any of the usual meet-up times. I’m this week’s host, and Lucretia and I open by grilling John Yoo about his latest article, “Globalization’s Challenge to American Constitutionalism,” published at the sparkling new website of the Civitas Institute, where I also appears for the first »

Podcastpalooza: An Irregular 3WHH, and Back to Ricochet

Featured image So your three bartenders weren’t able to assemble even virtually this week for our usual format and topical review of the leading news; John is away on a clandestine mission stalking the elusive McRib (he says he was over in Zurich, but wink, wink. . .), while Lucretia and I were also largely indisposed. But fear not! We decided that in lieu of our usual snappy brickbats, we’d share with »

Podcast: the 3WHH, Repatriation Edition

Featured image The Three Whisky Happy Hour gang is finally all back in the U.S. after weeks of galavanting overseas, and boy is there a lot to catch up on. Among our topics this week are the signs and wonders that the Age of Trump is fully established; the Biden pardons; the farcical Penny trial; whether World War III is indeed under way, and the attempted coup in Korea, about which our »

Podcast: The 3WHH—Landslide or Earthquake?

Featured image Two-thirds of the 3WHH crew were back home in the states for Thanksgiving, while I am  still galavanting around coastal Italy, defiling the reputation of this podcast by drinking Negronis at happy hour—a tergiversation that this week’s host, John Yoo, does not let pass without censure. In any case, by the miracle of Zoom we managed to assemble for a holiday weekend special edition, where Lucretia and I push back »

Podcast: The Three Chianti Happy Hour, with Reflections from Tuscany

Featured image At last, this week’s episode is finally ready! This special episode comes from the hills of Tuscany, where the Three Whisky Happy Hour gang put aside their whisky glasses and took up tasting chianti at Castello de Cacchiano (see below) between academic conferences in Milan and Florence. So for this week only, we become the Three Chianti Happy hour, though we had many more than three! We had to record »

Podcasts: The 3WHH Gonzo Unplugged Edition + Ricochet

Featured image This is going to be unlike any previous edition of the Three Whisky Happy Hour, because it was literally recorded during happy hour at the annual meeting of the Federalist Society in Washington, in a corner of the mass reception hall where John Yoo and I invited all comers to swing by to offer a few comments. This completely unstructured (but therefore highly authentic!) conversation included Ilya Shaprio and Rafael »

Podcast Twofer: the 3WHH on Priorities for Trump II + Ricochet

Featured image The Power Line single-malt whisky bar is still trying to process Donald Trump’s decisive victory in the election, and this episode reflecting on the scene offers up a few fresh (we hope) takeaways from the result that we haven’t yet seen elsewhere in the media, and then we turn our attention to some key priorities for the second Trump Administation starting in January. In such a target-rich environment, what should »

Podcast: The 5WHH (!) Special Election Vigil Edition

Featured image For our many regular listeners who were not able to join us last night for our live taping of this special mid-week episode that included Scott and (very late) John Hinderaker (hence the “Five Whisky Happy Hour”), much of what we talked about has been overtaken by subsequent vote counts and other results. But we did have a number of questions and issues that should still be of interest even »

Announcement: Live Election Night 3WHH Podcast

Featured image Get your whisky laid in for election night, which will be useful no matter the outcome, but especially because the Three Whisky Happy Hour will do a live podcast, open to all comers, tomorrow night starting (we hope) around 7:30 pm Pacific time, by which we’ll have many results from the east, and early numbers from the possibly all-important Arizona (where some recent polls have Trump ahead in the very »

Friday Podcast Bundle: 3WHH & Ricochet!

Featured image We’re up a day earlier than usual with our weekly episode of the 3WHH podcast, and I did another turn on the Ricochet podcast out this afternoon as well, with special guest the novelist and Hollywood screenwriter Andrew Klavan. And in this last 3WHH episode before the election, your bartenders pour a stiff one in honor of the end of recycling, since were back to pure garbage now, though Biden »

Podcast: The 3WHH Serves Up French Fries for the Home Stretch

Featured image It’s another two-fer podcast week, with a trip for me to the Ricochet podcast Friday featuring the return of seminarian novitiate Brother Rob Long (file below), and then the usual Three Whisky gang gathering early in the evening, with John, the host of this week’s show, podcasting from the balcony of the University Club in downtown San Francisco (left). So it was Hitler week for Democrats, who are still fuming »

Podcast, Special Classic Format Edition: “Agents of a Hostile Foreign Power”

Featured image The news out over the weekend that Israel’s attack plans against Iran have been leaked by our government and/or European governments ought to be a major scandal and cause for a serious criminal investigation, but in fact the real story to be followed may be much worse: is anyone asking whether Iran has penetrated our government—either with spies inside our intelligence agencies, or agents of influence in the State Department »