Netanuyahu to UN: “Have you no shame?”

The Wall Street Journal report on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech at the UN General Assembly today caught my attention:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a blistering attack on the floor of the United Nations Thursday on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, saying the hearing granted the Iranian president the night before amounted to a “disgrace of the U.N. charter.”
Mr. Netanyahu dramatically held up copies of minutes of the meeting of Nazi officials in 1942 where plans were made for the extermination of the Jews, as well as constructions plans of Nazi concentration camps.
“Are these protocols lies?” he asked, waving them in his hand. “Are the successive German governments that have kept these documents for posterity all liars?”
Down to Business
He opened his remarks by saying that the greatest threat to the U.N. effort to prevent a repetition of the carnage of the World War II is the “assault on truth.”
“Yesterday the president of Iran stood at this very podium and spewed his anti-Semitic rants,” he said. “Just a few days earlier he claimed that the Holocaust was a lie.” He then described how he had obtained the documents he held up before the assembly.
“Nearly one-third of all Jews at the time perished in the Holocaust,” he said. “Nearly every family was affected, including my own.”
Mr. Netanyahu continued about Mr. Ahmadinejad, “Perhaps some of you think this man and his odious regime only threaten the Jews. Well, if you think that you are wrong, dead wrong.”

The Jerusalem Post report on Netanyahu’s dramatic speech is here. The full text of the speech is here, video of the first eight minutes of the speech is below. The speech warrants consideration in its entirety. It provides a rare moment of truth in a venue that has become a cesspool of lies.

Part 2 of the video of Netanyahu’s speech is here, part 3 here, part 4 here.
JOHN adds: I’ve been in Tulsa on business all week, taking depositions, and haven’t had much time to keep up with the news. But I read Netanyahu’s speech on the airplane coming home. It’s great; I’d urge all our readers to read it.

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