Americans Rally Against Health Care Takeover

We noted here that a group led by Michele Bachmann was organizing a protest against the Democrats’ government takeover of health care, to take place at noon today on the Capitol steps. The protest went off as planned, with 10,000 attending, according to one estimate. The Minneapolis Star Tribune, no friend of Bachmann, reports on the rally. This photo is from InstaPundit:
We’ll try to update later.
UPDATE: Here are some AP photos from today’s rally. Here is part of the crowd:
More of the crowd:
Michele addresses the crowd:
Here, a Catholic priest from Omaha lies in front of Nancy Pelosi’s office. He was dragged away by police:
FURTHER UPDATE: And here’s the video.

ONE LAST ITEM: Dan Riehl was there today, and posted an impassioned narrative of the event.

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