The Week in PicturesTM is wondering when the U.S Patent and Trademark Office will get around to reviewing other potentially disparaging trademarks such as “Harry Reid,” which clearly disparages the U.S. Senate, let alone “Democratic Party,” whose disparagement of democracy goes back at least to Andy Jackson. And don’t even get me started on the trademarks “Jesse Jackson” and “Al Sharpton.” Meanwhile, where was the IRS when I needed an excuse for my undone homework in school? And how’s that “smart diplomacyTM” working out for Obama over in the Middle East? I hear the White House is going to send over its best drone, but can John Kerry really do anything about Iraq? It’s almost enough to make you pine for the days of Hillary at Foggy Bottom (though I hear putting “Hillary” and “Foggy Bottom” in the same sentence is sexist or something). Also, I heard a rumor that there’s some kind of sporting event going on down in Brazil? I can’t seem to find out anything about it, though.
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