One of the critical races in the battle for control of the Senate is in Nevada, where the appalling Harry Reid is finally retiring as a rich man, after a long career in “public service.” The Democratic nominee is a Reid surrogate named Catherine Cortez Masto, while the Republican is Congressman Joe Heck.
In his last years in the Senate, Reid pursued a bizarre vendetta against Charles and David Koch, constantly ranting against them on the Senate floor. In our history, there has never been anything like this campaign of vilification against two private citizens. Harry Reid is doing all he can to push Ms. Masto across the finish line, while the Koch organization, not surprisingly, is squarely behind Representative Heck.
The New York Times covers the race:
The battle to choose a successor to Senator Harry Reid, the retiring Democratic leader, is pitting Mr. Reid and his home-state political operation against his archenemies, Charles G. and David H. Koch, the billionaire industrialist brothers who Mr. Reid has spent the past few years denouncing as the avatars of dark-money politics.
This is an epic proxy war, with Catherine Cortez Masto, a Democrat and a former Nevada attorney general, and Representative Joe Heck, a Republican, serving as surrogates in a clash to see who gets the last word in this brutal rivalry.
Reid has entered the fray with his usual balanced and nuanced approach:
“Heck is an absolute stooge for these right-wing nut cases,” Mr. Reid said.
While the Times probably doesn’t want to associate itself with the corrupt and possibly unhinged former Majority Leader, it isn’t hard to tell which candidate the paper wants to win. This is the Times’s photo of Ms. Masto:
And this is how they depict Representative Heck. The word “demonic” comes to mind:
Fortunately, very few Nevada voters read the New York Times. The race is believed to be close, but I will hazard a prediction: Joe Heck will win. And if the small-minded grifter Harry Reid wants to take that as a repudiation of his “legacy” of hatred and corruption, so much the better.
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