Chelsea Manning, the transgender former Army private who betrayed her (at the time, his) country by passing classified and sensitive government documents to Wikileaks, has filed to run for the U.S. Senate in Maryland. She will oppose Sen. Ben Cardin in the Democratic primary.
I’m a registered Republican and therefore barred, I think, from voting in the Cardin-Manning race. Otherwise, I would vote for Cardin. He’s a standard liberal except that he strongly supports Israel. And, compared to Manning, he has the virtue of not being a traitor.
President Obama, to his everlasting shame, commuted the 35-year sentence Manning received for violating the Espionage Act. Manning’s gratitude for this is less than overwhelming.
She says of Obama that he left behind “hints of a progressive legacy,” but very few permanent accomplishments. My gratitude for this exceeds Manning’s gratitude for her get-out-jail card.
Manning, then, will run to the left not only of the liberal Cardin, but also the leftist Obama. She has no chance of winning, but should liven things up.
I’ll be interested to see whether any “Manning for Senate” lawn signs pop up in my neighborhood.
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