I guess “polar vortex” isn’t good enough for the climatistas and other panicky people any more. This year it has to be “bomb cyclone,” which I think is actually the secret “go code” for Trump throwing his button at the Nork’s Little Rocket Man. What will it be next year I wonder? Every winter it seems people are shocked that it gets cold and snows in the northern hemisphere, and of course this is proof of climate change, except when it is “unseasonably” warm, which is also proof of climate change. Anyway, it is fun enjoying the anguish of Al Gore, who just can’t catch a break.
Headlines of the week:
And finally. . .
UPDATE: Promoted from the comments—Steve McGehee’s limerick (if he keeps this up, we might need to issue a collection someday):
There once was a girl in gold boots,
Who posed with the gun that she shoots.
Second Amendment is backed,
With an ample gun rack,
And conservative patriot roots.
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