Stuffed animals seem to play an important part in the lives of a surprisingly large number of left-wing students. Apparently, they make these students feel safe. As safe as Play Doh does, maybe even safer.
According to this report, a stuffed animal even helped a black teenager gain admission to Princeton:
An inspiring essay about his childhood stuffed animal helped a New Jersey high school senior get into 20 colleges, including 6 schools in the Ivy League. He chose to attend Princeton.
Chris Butcher, 18, says a stuffed dalmatian named Bigdog played a huge part in him getting accepted to 20 colleges but more importantly helped him come to terms with his Blackness. . . .
“When I had negative encounters and whatnot, I would come home, and if I was sitting on my bed, Bigdog was there. He’s a reassuring object for me,” Butcher said. . . .
He felt so defeated in his junior year that he broke down, and once again, he turned to Bigdog for help. It was then Butcher had a realization, writing, “If I did not let Bigdog’s decaying structure define his worth, I was not going to let my Black skin, define mine.”
Maybe college admissions offices at elite institutions like Princeton’s should come equipped with stuffed animals to teach the decisionmakers not to let skin color define applicants’ worth. These days, skin color is worth hundreds of SAT points and a nice boost to your GPA, if you’re Black. It will detract from how the admissions office evaluates your worth if you’re White or Asian.
A childish essay like Butcher’s can also provide a boost, especially if it invokes race, but black skin is worth far more.
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