The Spanish election ended in a stalemate, and not much may change. But the AP seems to be worried that Spain is very close to re-establishing Francoist fascism, at least going from this chart showing the breakdown of the parties. Notice an asymmetry?
For the media, the right is always “right & far right.” The left is always “left & center-left.” No such thing as a far-left, or center-right, exists apparently.
Glenn Ellmers comments:
This will always seem strange, unreasonable, or infuriating as long as we are thinking in rational/political terms. Once we view it in non-rational/religious terms, it makes sense. “Our gods are righteous and true. Your gods are wicked and false.” It isn’t logical. But it isn’t supposed to be. It is meant to re-enforce the loyalty and metaphysical certainty of the tribe. Membership in the tribe and public piety toward its gods fulfills a deep moral and spiritual need.
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