The Daily Chart: College Greed?

When oil and gasoline prices rise, the left screams “price gouging!” “Collusion! Investigate the oil companies!” And the blames the endlessly soaring cost of health care on “corporate greed” as well. Somehow, though, the left never yells “collusion” or “greed” about college tuition, which has inflated more rapidly than health care costs over the last generation. But there never seem to be any congressional hearings on why this happens, or how colleges collude on their financial aid (though as noted here recently several elite colleges are paying big fines on anti-trust grounds for colluding on financial aid levels). It’s a ripe subject, as both college and health care costs are largely driven by the same factor—bad government policy. That’s a subject for another day. In the meantime, our friends at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity have produced this graphic account of the scale of the problem.

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