Podcast Note: Hiatus Week, But. . .

Unfortunately there won’t be a regular installment of the Three Whisky Happy Hour podcast this week. I am over in Rome at the present moment, while John Yoo is actually airborne today en route to meet up with me for a conference on the Rule of Law in Europe which prevented finding a time when the three of us could link up even virtually.

For the moment the conference has only produced this tombstone ad featuring moi.

But if you need your podcast fix, I did sit in today for Peter Robinson on the flagship Ricochet podcast, with special guest Noah Rothman of National Review, author of The Rise of the New Puritans: Fighting Back Against the Progressives’ War on Fun. You can listen below, or download it from Ricochet.

P.S. John and I intend to record and produce some special podcast episodes this week, with foreign guests and other things.

P.S. (2)—Look! I found the location of the New York Times Rome bureau:

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