
Facebook Removes “Inauthentic” Left-Wing Accounts

Featured image Facebook announced today that it has removed 32 “bad actors” from its platform: Today we removed 32 Pages and accounts from Facebook and Instagram because they were involved in coordinated inauthentic behavior. This kind of behavior is not allowed on Facebook because we don’t want people or organizations creating networks of accounts to mislead others about who they are, or what they’re doing. We’re still in the very early stages »

On Social Media, Freedom of Speech Is Under Attack [Updated]

Featured image The fact that Facebook and Twitter are the platforms on which political discussion largely takes place, and probably will remain such for the foreseeable future, given the network effects that entrench them, is deeply troubling. Both companies are run by liberals, and free speech is under attack on both platforms. This story in Entertainment Weekly is a chilling reminder of how little regard liberals–even liberal reporters!–have for free speech: Facebook »

Is Facebook Institutionalizing Leftism? [Updated]

Featured image Buzzfeed reports that Facebook is implementing a system to promote or demote news sources based on “trustworthiness”: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Tuesday that the company has already begun to implement a system that ranks news organizations based on trustworthiness, and promotes or suppresses its content based on that metric. We all know what that means. Zuckerberg said the company has gathered data on how consumers perceive news brands by »