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One survivor remembers
Watching the Netflix documentary World War II: From the Front Lines, I was riveted by the interviews with Gerda Weissmann Klein and Kurt Klein in the sixth episode of the series. Mrs. Klein lost her family and closest friends in the Holocaust. She worked as a slave laborer until the SS put her on a 350-mile death march with other women survivors of her work camp at the end of »
Justice Jackson cross-examines Hermann Goering
John Hinderaker and I wrote this article for Bench & Bar of Minnesota, the monthly publication of the Minnesota State Bar Association. It was published in the October 2002 issue. I provided background on it here yesterday. Working on this article was a labor of love. I hoped it would be both interesting and useful. I did my best to get the facts straight and provide examples within the space »
Cross-examining Hermann Goering
Former United States Attorney and federal district judge Herbert Stern retired from the bench and returned to private practice in 1987. While on the bench he wrote the memoir Judgment In Berlin (1984), which was turned into a 1988 movie directed by Leo Penn. The movie starred Martin Sheen and Sean Penn. Morton Mintz reviewed the book for the Washington Post here and Professor Maynard Pirsig for the William Mitchell »
The lessons of “Casablanca”
Cliff May is founder and president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) and a columnist for the Washington Times. He is a veteran reporter, foreign correspondent, and editor for the New York Times and other publications. Cliff’s current column is “The lessons of ‘Casablanca'” (at FDD, where it is posted with links). Cliff has kindly given us his permission to post his column on Power Line. He writes: »
A monumental essay
In this morning’s Weekend Beacon email Vic Matus directs the attention of readers to Andrew Roberts’s “monumental essay comparing Hamas with the Nazis. In many ways, Hamas comes out worse.” However, President Biden is doing his best to complicate Israel’s effort to eliminate Hamas and impose his “two-state” fantasy on the Israelis despite the glaring absence among Palestinian Arabs of a market for peace. Take Hamas — please: The sheer »