
What the Hell Happened to Bill Kristol?

Featured image Greetings from Budapest, where I’ll be hanging out a lot at Cafe Roger Scruton at 10 Zoltan Street over the next several days, and giving a lecture for the Danube Institute next Monday evening on the topic, “What Is Going on in America?” If there are any Power Line readers in Budapest, you may still be able to grab a limited seat for the event here. Otherwise you may run »

NeverTrumpers back radical DOJ nominee

Featured image There are two types of NeverTrumpers. The first type hates Trump, but that hatred doesn’t cause them to abandon long-held conservative principles. The second type’s hatred of Trump leads them to shift positions on matters of policy. Bret Stephens is an example of the first type, I think. Max Boot and Jennifer Rubin are extreme examples of the second. I had assumed that Bill Krisol and Mona Charen, both long-time »