
That was the week that was

Featured image The Democrats’ dystopian dreams are packed into the prospective Reconciliation bill whose fate we have been following. Michael Goodwin takes up the spectacle of last week’s Democratic infighting and opines: “By giving his blessing to the radicals’ refusal to vote on the bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure deal until they get a vote on the $3.5 trillion grab bag of socialist trash, he turned his back on the central promise of »

Keep nope alive: House edition

Featured image Turning my attention to literary pursuits yesterday, I checked the headlines for reports that Dems had worked out their differences to ram through the dystopian nightmare embedded in their prospective multitrillion dollar reconciliation bill. When news came that President Biden’s minders in the White House daycare operation had let him out for a pep talk to House Democrats in the afternoon, I feared they might be getting somewhere, but no. »

Keep nope alive

Featured image No sooner had I posted “The Manchin proviso” yesterday morning than Politico sent out notice that it had posted the Manchin/Schumer memo dated July 28, 2021. I have uploaded the memo to Scribd and embedded it at the bottom of this post. It is a weird document that is beyond my poor powers to explicate. Signed by Senator Manchin and Majority Leader Schumer, the memo purports to set forth Manchin’s »

The Manchin proviso

Featured image The Democrats seek to enact a multitrillion dollar break-the-bank spendingpalooza and other destructive measures in a “reconciliation” bill on party line votes — despite their incredibly narrow majorities in both the House and the Senate. Do we need to worry that they will will pull it off? Paul noted some of the spanners in the works here yesterday. It is misguided to focus on any one of the spanners. When »

Pelosi reportedly will postpone infrastructure vote

Featured image The Hill reports that Nancy Pelosi is poised to postpone the vote on infrastructure legislation that was scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday). Apparently, Pelosi doesn’t have the votes to pass the $1 trillion bill. It seems that fewer than a dozen House Republicans will vote for it. That’s not enough to overcome defections from hardcore leftist Democrats. I’m surprised by this development. I thought that when push came to shove, only »

Reconcile this

Featured image It looks like the Democrats can only pass a reconciliation bill if they are willing to get behind a trimmed-down package. The $3.5 trillion version doesn’t command the support of 50 Senators. A $2 trillion package might. But to get from $3.5 trillion to around $2 trillion, the Democrats must agree on what to cut. That seems like a tall order because the current package contains big gifts for everyone »

Dems scramble to keep their spending dreams alive

Featured image There are lots of moving parts to the Democrats’ struggle to spend trillions of dollars via bipartisan infrastructure legislation and Democrat-only-backed reconciliation. The debt ceiling has now been thrown into the mix for good measure. This piece in the Washington Post does a good job describing the Democrats quandary. It simplifies things considerably if one starts from the reality we have emphasized throughout — Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema »

Chamber of Commerce tries to rein in Democrats it endorsed

Featured image In 2020, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce endorsed 23 freshmen Democrats for Congress. I’m tempted to say that if Congress enacts the Democrats’ massive spending packages, complete with tax increases and anti-business agenda items, the Chamber will have gotten what it deserves. In fact, I will say it. The Chamber is belatedly trying to avert this disaster and to limit the damage its improvident endorsements caused. It’s warning the Democrats »

Senate parliamentarian rules amnesty out of reconciliation

Featured image Politico reports that the Senate parliamentarian, Elizabeth MacDonough, has decided that providing a pathway to legal status and citizenship for illegal immigrants is not a budget-related matter, and therefore cannot be enacted through the “reconciliation” process. This seems to mean that when the Democrats finally get around to passing budget reconciliation legislation, which they can do with a simple Senate majority, it will not include amnesty. To accomplish amnesty, the »