The Left

A face in the crowd

Featured image Campus Reform has posted a good report on events last week at the Amherst campus of the University of Massachusetts when Christina Hoff Sommers, Milo Yiannopoulos and Steven Crowder turned up to speak on political correctness. Protesters shouted obscenities in an effort to silence the speakers, saying they espouse “hate speech.” When one demonstrator complained about being treated like a child, Christina told her to “stop acting like a child.” »

Why they hate her

Featured image Getting the chance to interview Ayaan Hirsi Ali at the 2012 Presidential Conference in Jerusalem was one of the highest of the many highlights I’ve had writing for Power Line over the past (nearly) 14 years. (I posted a photo of her with me after the interview along with my retrospective on the conference even though the contrast was…not to my advantage.) I admire her intelligence, her eloquence and her »

What does the left make of Donald Trump’s rise?

Featured image Most of our readers are, I’m confident, familiar with the various ways conservatives see Donald Trump and what many of us view as his hostile takeover of the Republican Party. But how does the left view Trump’s rise? The hack party line, expressed by President Obama, is that Trump isn’t much different from his Republican primary opponents — he merely articulates their God awful positions more colorfully. This self-serving view »