The Cummings confusion

Elijah Cummings is a key player in covering up and disseminating disinformation regarding the criminal misconduct of the IRS. From his perch as the ranking minority member of the House Oversight Committee, Cummings does his best to sow confusion as the committee pursues its investigation of the IRS. My daughter Eliana took a look at a piece of the Cummings story this past June in “The IRS’s best friend in Congress.”

Cummings was back at it last week when Catherine Engelbrecht et al. appeared to testify at the House subcommittee hearing chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan this past Thursday. John saluted Ms. Engelbrecht’s performance and posted video of her testimony here.

The video below captures Cummings doing the wrong thing with Ms. Engelbrecht during the subcommittee hearing this past Thursday. Cummings plays the race card and Ms. Engelbrecht shows it to be an utter falsehood.

Cummings cites a 2012 report promulgated by the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights accusing Ms. Engelbrecht’s True the Vote organization of sending poll watchers only to heavily minority counties. Ms. Engelbrecht explains to a seemingly confused Cummings that True The Vote sends no volunteers anywhere. Rather, the organization only trains poll workers.

Not the least bit deterred or apologetic, Cummings keeps up his line of questions to the bitter end, concluding with the request that Ms. Engelbrecht concede the “allegations” would be bad if true.

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It would be even worse if Elijah Cummings were an evil bastard. Unfortunately, unlike Cummings’s “allegations,” that possibility appears not to be contrary to fact. He spews imputations of racism without the least restraint of decency or conscience.

In days of yore, at least on some occasions, liberals used to decry this sort of thing. Do take a look at the video of Cummings at work. It displays one version of the Democratic state of the art.

In the video below, FNC’s Megyn Kelly asks Ms. Engelbrecht about the ethics complaint she has filed against Cummings. Unless you get your news from FNC, this might all be a complete mystery to you.

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UPDATE: Via InstaPundit, more here.

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