I was traveling home from Texas yesterday and missed the various women’s marches, but I heard that actress Ashley Judd went totally bonkers at the Washington DC rally. The video of the speech rant is below, and it is indeed off-the-chart crazy.
But you should approach it with an open mind and entertain the possibility that she’s actually a mole from the Trump campaign. I think the circumstantial evidence indeed supports this hypothesis.
Think about it for a moment. The whole thing was a far left hootenanny, but no one is really going to pay attention to unrepentant Communist Angela Davis (yup—she was there), or even Gloria Steinem, who has to be about 145 years old by now. So the Trump campaign infiltrated the program with Judd, and supplied her with a “poem” from a 19 year old in Tennessee who will no doubt go on now to win a MacArthur genius award. And the crowd loves it! Best part is, as you can see at the beginning she even takes in Michael Moore.
As we know, Trump won a majority of the white women’s vote. Just make sure this rant gets wide circulation and he’ll get 75 percent of it in 2020. Nice work Ashley!
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