Everyone knows that CNN is maniacally devoted, 24/7, to trying to destroy the Trump administration. But it doesn’t end there. CNN is all in for the Democratic Party, and is doing its part to help the Dems capture the House in November.
See, e.g., the KFile, billed by CNN as “the leading investigation team for the social, mobile generation.” KFile features content by Andrew Kaczynski, pretty much all of which consists of anti-GOP smears. Kaczynski came to CNN via Buzzfeed, which you should keep in mind next time someone tells you that CNN represents legitimate journalism.
Kaczynski has a vendetta against my Congressman Jason Lewis, who represents Minnesota’s 2nd District. The 2nd is a swing district that the Democrats hope to capture this year; hence Kaczynski’s interest. Before he ran for Congress, Jason was a talk radio host for approximately 20 years. Shockingly, in his thousands of hours on the air, he occasionally said something controversial. In 2016, when the 2nd District seat was open, the Democrats tried to mine long-forgotten audio of Lewis on the radio for sentence fragments they could use against him. At one point, they suggested that he was pro-slavery. Happily, it didn’t work. Lewis won and is now running for re-election.
CNN is recycling old Democratic Party opposition research on KFile, and Kaczynski, by his own account, has been listening to hours of Jason Lewis on the radio, looking for nuggets that CNN can promote. (A normal person would learn a lot from listening to Jason’s radio show, but Kaczynski is beyond hope.) Kaczynski explains that he obtained 15 months worth of audio from Jason Lewis’s show from one Michael Brodkorb. Brodkorb was, at one time, a Republican operative in Minnesota. His career crashed after it emerged that he was having an affair with the Minnesota Senate Majority Leader. He later literally crashed, and subsequently embarked on the familiar career of a former Republican, feeding anti-GOP talking points to Dems. What a pair!
You might think that this sort of poison pen journalism by CNN is futile, but that wouldn’t be right. Other Democratic Party media have eagerly republished smears against Lewis that originated at KFile. The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today and Time magazine have all republished Kaczynski’s “discoveries.” The irony is that the Democrats tried the same approach in 2016, only to have two local television stations run fact checks. They found that the Democrats’ anti-Lewis ads “mislead the viewer.” Here we go again.
The CNN-generated hysteria reached a point where The Hill headlined: “Media frenzy stirs up violence against Minnesota congressman.” The column, by John Lott, recounted some of the Democrats’ smears:
CNN’s K-File wasn’t done with Lewis. On Friday, it ran another story on Lewis’ “long history of racist rhetoric about African-Americans.” They were upset about another 2012 monologue.
“What the welfare state has done to the black community, a hundred years of racism could not do. A hundred years of racism could not break it up, it could not destroy black families. Jim Crow could not do it. But what dependency has done, is it has caused unwanted pregnancy, illegitimacy.”
Lewis could have simply quoted black economists Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams. In a 2011 interview with Jason Riley of the Wall Street Journal, Williams argued: “The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do, what Jim Crow couldn’t do, what the harshest racism couldn’t do. And that is to destroy the black family.”
So are Sowell and Williams racist?
I would add that Lewis could also be quoting, or anticipating, Candace Owens. Lott notes that Lewis’s family, like so many others, has been threatened by Democrats:
[T]here is a real cost to this media bias. Right after the news stories broke last week about his “slut” comments, Lewis told me his two daughters were threatened with violence. Last year, mobs surrounded Lewis’ home and frightened neighbors into calling the police. Threats were made about his townhall meetings.
The dark side of this “fake” news is that violence is being stirred up against people based on media lies.
That is today’s Democratic Party, as exemplified by CNN.
Will CNN succeed in flipping Minnesota’s 2nd District to the Democrats? I doubt it. The Democrats are running the same candidate as in 2016, Angie Craig. But Lewis won in 2016, and is now the incumbent rather than contending for an open seat. It is noteworthy that the Democrats can’t point to anything objectionable he has done in his time in Congress. On the contrary, his most important vote was in favor of the popular Republican tax reform bill.
But let’s not take any chances. Most observers think the Democrats will, indeed, capture the House in November. Among other things, this will enable them to shut down the investigations that have slowly shed light on the extraordinary abuses of power that occurred during the Obama administration. All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing. So if you want to fight back against the CNN/Democratic Party complex, go here to contribute to Jason Lewis’s campaign.
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