Thoughts from the ammo line

In the spirit of scholarship Ammo Grrrll seeks the answer to the question: ARE THERE LEVELS OF DEPLORABILITY? She writes:

Several years ago a guy pal sent me a link to a hilarious discussion that quickly went viral. When I looked recently, I saw it is still there and still funny. It is in the form of a visual aid, a Hot/Crazy Matrix in which women fall somewhere on the chart using the two measures – Hotness and Craziness. If you’ve never seen it, it is definitely worth a look. Is it “sexist”? Oh yeah, textbook. Is it possibly unfairly “stereotypical”? Absolutely!. But is it funny? Very.

As I began to think about Levels of Deplorability, I was put in mind of that chart. Like the Hot/Crazy Matrix where ALL women start out no lower than a 4 on the Crazy axis, — and I am the last high-strung woman on earth to question the accuracy of that — ALL men must start out as at least entry-level Deplorable. It’s just baked in the cake. (I do find touching the notion that the man explaining the chart anticipates he’ll get a woman who will be a 9 on the Hotness scale, despite being a decidedly average, okay looking guy. Dream big, amigo.)

Men, we are assured, are “toxic” by definition, though what the evil crowd that calls half the human race toxic has against toxicity, I cannot say. Most of them enjoy being “intoxicated” either on booze, drugs, or just good old-fashioned hate. Many are insufferably addicted to rage and cannot speak to anyone without spittle-flecked invective. Stand well back.

You would think that at least Men of Color would get, if not a pass, some kind of Certificate of Mitigation. But, no. Not with the #MeToo Intersectional Non-Binary Female Transgender of Color crowd in charge. Black men, these arbiters assert, are currently considered the “white men” in the Totem Pole of Oppression, Privilege and Entitlement. How do you like them apples? How sad for the Old Guard Civil Rights veterans – the Jesses, the Al Sharptons, etc. – to find themselves defined as “white” at this late date when they have made extremely lucrative careers out of being black.

The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. is not even on the current radar. Though he lived his life and gave his life for civil rights, he claimed that character was more important than skin color and we now know that NOTHING is more important than skin color.

Andy Ngo, a fearless journalist who is Asian AND gay, but as far as I know, perfectly happy being a male attracted to other males, and does not wish to become a pretend woman, is Deplorable enough to be attacked every time the Antifa Brownshirts get a chance.

Here’s just a few of the things, NOT in ranked order, that you can say or do to rocket up the list and raise your Deplorability Score, possibly to merit a top bunk at Reeducation Camp.

1. Claim, with absolutely no scientific basis, that there are only two sexes.

2. Express an interest in dating only people of the sex different from yours, you narrow-minded bigot.

3. Express an interest in dating only people of the same sex as you, you narrow-minded bigot.

4. Believe that there are innate differences between men and women. This is clearly false and explains why male to female transgenders and female to male transgenders do equally well in athletic competitions against members of their new pretend gender.

5. Assert that “all lives matter.” They clearly do not. ONLY black lives, and Hedge Funder Lives matter. Except, interestingly, to black people. When polled, the majority of black people say All Lives Matter! Wacky guilty white liberals, not so much.

6. Fail to recycle. Fail to double mask. Fail to acknowledge your privilege. Fail to fail. The Left HATES success stories, which ruins their narrative about awful America.

7. Shopping at Walmart, Hobby Lobby or My Pillow.

8. Buying shotgun shells at Walmart, and eating at Olive Garden on the way home.

9. Clinging to God, and particularly to Christianity or observant Judaism. Also clinging to guns. Just generally, clinging. To anything but Big Government.

10. Suggesting that Bruce Jenner not only existed, but won the Decathlon.

11. Objecting to males sharing locker rooms, showers or public bathrooms with females.

12. Believing that there is no need for Tampax in the men’s room.

13. Wearing hoop earrings, or eating any “ethnic” foods.

14. Standing for the National Anthem. Hand over heart worse yet.

I think we can all agree that is a list of loathsome things. Well worth hatin’ on your fellow Americans and even seeing that they are hounded out of jobs, neighborhoods, clubs, Twitter, Facebook, and the like.

Now, in Logic class, back before Logic and linear thinking were declared to be both sexist and racist, we learned that there were some conditions which were necessary but not sufficient. And, truly, there can NEVER be a completely sufficient list of crimes against humanity. For one thing, knowing ALL the rules in advance would spoil the fun of springing new ones on the unsuspecting potential violator. What sane person could have anticipated the question, “What are your pronouns?” The question is on a par with the one poor Dan Rather was assailed with that time – “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?” – and just as absurd.

Also, there IS no Statute of Limitations on any Wrongthink. If, in 1969, a pioneer feminist signaled approval of an article suggesting that women were DIFFERENT from men (and all those differences were always an improvement, a very popular concept back then), you will be banished from the Advanced Feminist Studies syllabus in 2021 since CLEARLY men and women are simply constructs, not chromosomal certainties. Bye, bye, Germaine Greer, Betty Friedan, all the other feminists of that era, living and dead. Ask J. K. Rowling, billionaire author, leftist, feminist, and transphobe par excellence who believes – no, really she does – that men and women are different! Haha. What a crazy bigot!

Ms. Rowling is proof positive that anyone can be deemed Deplorable. Sure, white, married, heterosexual Christian men have an advantage (as usual!) in snagging the highest Deplorability scores. But, with enough effort, anyone can be “movin’ on up” in no time.

You may be 80 years old, married for 58 years, father of 6, grandfather of 15, combat vet, Eagle Scout. But, if some girl you took to the Spring Sock Hop in 8th grade suddenly remembers that you lunged ineptly at her for a goodnight kiss when her mother drove you both home from the dance, you can kiss that unblemished record goodbye, pal. You have now been “credibly accused” (a new standard replacing innocent until proven guilty) of sexual assault. Welcome to Hell. Because all women must be believed…unless…unless…say, fella, are you by chance a registered Democrat? Or better yet, an elected one?

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