Only if he or she keeps quiet about it, apparently. From the notoriously crazy city of Minneapolis comes this story:
A Minneapolis Public Schools teacher was placed on leave this week for allegedly wearing a “Trump mask” to school on the anniversary of George Floyd’s death.
What on God’s green Earth does a Trump mask have to do with the anniversary of Floyd’s death? But that is how the Minneapolis Public Schools framed the “issue,” and the school district implies a connection:
The statement did not include any information about the teacher’s identity or their [sic] place of employment but reaffirmed the district’s commitment to fighting “bias, racism and microaggressions.”
“We want to be clear: Every student in our school deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Creating a welcoming, affirming culture is part of our ongoing work as a school district, including addressing bias, racism and microaggressions,” said Minneapolis Public Schools.
“Each of our students have inherent value, and race and ethnicity are important parts of who we are and how we experience the world,” the district added.
In other words, the Minneapolis Public Schools are committed to a racist agenda, and a teacher wearing a MAGA mask, or some other pro-Trump symbol, somehow contradicts that agenda.
To be fair, they may be right. If promoting racism is your goal, a pro-Trump mask can legitimately be seen as a threat. Trumpists believe that we are all Americans and we should put America first. That is like a clove of garlic to a vampire; liberals see political advantage in fomenting race hatred. So the first sign of dissent by a teacher must be snuffed out.
I am curious to know whether a teacher who wore an Obama “Hope” mask, or a mask celebrating Joe Biden or any other Democrat, would similarly be suspended because it was the “anniversary of George Floyd’s death.” Or for any other reason. I will hazard a wild guess that it wouldn’t happen.
Then again, it doesn’t need to happen, since the far Left is totally in control of public school classrooms. There are only a few outliers, like the teacher who was suspended in this instance, who even dream of rocking the left-wing boat.
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