If John Kerry’s lips are moving, you can be pretty sure he is saying something that isn’t true. But miracles happen: at Davos on Tuesday, Kerry blurted out the truth. Maybe because it was on a subject that is close to his heart, money. Legal Insurrection reports:
In his remarks, Kerry also spoke about the task of keeping the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius alive.
“So, how do we get there? Well, the lesson I’ve learned in the last years and I learned it as secretary [of State] and I’ve learned it since, reinforced in spades, is: money, money, money, money, money, money, money. And I’m sorry to say that.”
Here is the video:
JUST IN — WEF2023: John Kerry Says the Only Way to Get to 1.5 Degrees of Global Warming is “Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money” pic.twitter.com/60qCo1hVsq
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) January 17, 2023
Global warming is about power, of course, but it is also about money. And that money isn’t going to you and me. We are on the other end of the deal.
The global warming alarmists are racing against time. With each year that goes by, it becomes increasingly clear that the models on which they base their hysteria are wrong. I posted this chart a week or two ago. Here it is again:
The alarmists are racing against time in another sense as well. As they carry out their alleged transition to wind and solar energy–which can’t happen, the laws of physics don’t permit it–blackouts will become sporadic, then common, then universal. Already, many people have figured out that “climate science” isn’t scientific, at least not as practiced by Kerry and his ilk. When the lights don’t go on, a lot more people will want to look more closely into the “science,” and they won’t like what they find.
So the “money, money, money, money, money, money, money” needs to flow now, and power needs to be seized now, before it is too late.
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