You didn’t actually think the leftist drive for “reparations” would end only with blacks did you? “Reparations” is merely the latest slogan for the perennial leftist dream of wholesale wealth confiscation and redistribution, and whatever tool comes to hand will be used.
So of course there is a mounting call for “climate reparations,” ostensibly paid by fossil fuel companies, but of course that means in practice you and me and everyone else who uses a petroleum-based product, which means. . . everyone. Here’s the story:
Calculating the amount companies owe for causing global warming
A pair of sociologists, one with the University of Milan-Bicocca, the other with the Climate Accountability Institute, has used survey data to calculate the amount companies should be paying in reparations to compensate for activities that have led to global warming. . .
After averaging results, the researchers found that it was possible to assess amounts due from industry as a whole ($99 trillion for the years 2025 to 2050), certain segments of industry and even individual companies.
A pair of sociologists, you say? That’s all you really need to know. But here’s their chart of expected annual payments:
I’m sure the Russians and Saudis will pay up promptly.
Related: Roger Pielke Jr has produced this useful chart of where support for “De-Growth” comes from, and I’ll bet it overlaps with the nutjobs who want climate reparations:
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