So a group of climate protesters decided to block a two-lane road in Nevada, but got a different response than usual from law enforcement. The best part of this X-File from “Climate Defiance” is the number of words that follow “words fail,” not to mention the irony of people usurping the “monopoly on the use of force” using force themselves to disrupt the peaceful mobility of their fellow citizens.
The next best part is the person wailing in the background, “We’re not criminals; we’re environmental protestors!” I say let them savor a new title: inmate.
Words fail. Words utterly fail. Today a police truck PLOWED INTO a peaceful climate blockade. These are the people “entrusted” to keep us safe. These are the people we have granted a monopoly on the use of force. How is this ok?
— Climate Defiance (@ClimateDefiance) August 28, 2023
Postscript: Apparently this protest was staged on tribal land, which apparently decided their privileges of self-government ought to be more robust than, say, San Francisco.
UPDATE—Turns out these protestors were trying to disrupt the Burning Man festival that takes place this time of year in the Nevada desert. By its very name it sounds like an event with a high carbon footprint, though you might think the climatistas might be conflicted if they thought the festival was actually burning real human beings instead of coal and wood. And given that most Burning Man attendees are likely sympathizers with the climate cause, this hardly seems like a good way to win friends and influence people. Still, here’s an additional 5 heart-warming minutes with more of the scene:
Additional commentary:
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