
Breaking News from 1988: Biden Lies a Lot!

Joe Biden’s proclivity for plagiarism and fabulism has been well-known and documented since his ignominious exit from the 1988 presidential race after his serial lies were exposed by the mainstream media, back when we had a mainstream media that kinda sorta did its job.

So it is amusing to see the Washington Post finally catch up to a 35-year-old story, with their “fact-checker” Glenn Kessler’s bland headline:

Biden loves to retell certain stories. Some aren’t credible.

“Aren’t credible” you say? Do please continue:

But throughout his career — most famously in his first presidential campaign, in the 1988 election cycle — Biden’s propensity to exaggerate or embellish tales about his life led to doubts about his truthfulness. Contemporary news reports on the house fire do not match his telling of it, fanning criticism that he had lied to a vulnerable audience.

“Joe Biden shared his life — or his version of it — continuously,” wrote Richard Ben Cramer in his 1992 book, “What It Takes,” about the 1988 campaign. “He confided it, displayed it, spread it profligately, even expanded it to connect it with your life. He would settle for nothing less.”

As president, Biden has continued a tradition of embellishing his personal tales in ways that cannot be verified or are directly refuted by contemporary accounts.

Kessler goes through all of Biden’s greatest hits, but strange that no one in the mainstream media seems to be able to connect the dots, even though Biden has left more dots to connect than a Georges Seurat painting.

Chaser: If he lies about himself all the time, what else does he lie about? Hunter? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?

Bonus chaser—today’s verbal howler:

Not a joke, eh? Perhaps true, since we can all spot the actual joke here.

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