Barack Obama

What do Trump, Obama, and Lindsey Graham have in common?

Featured image I don’t know whether President Trump called any countries “s***holes” yesterday. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if he disparaged certain countries, as is his wont, and he may well have done so profanely. If he did, and if doing so hurt America, then Sen. Durbin and others in the room should have kept Trump’s statement to themselves. No patriotic American would hurt this country’s international standing just to embarrass the »

Harry and Barry

Featured image According to CNN, British officials fear the political consequences if Prince Harry and his bride-to-be invite Barack and Michelle Obama, with whom they are friends, to their wedding, but not President Trump. I don’t know whether these officials have any reason to expect political consequences in that event, but if they do, perhaps they should also worry about the interview Harry conducted with Barack Obama today on BBC radio. The »

The Bergdahl Obamanation

Featured image The mainstream media foster the great forgetting of the facts and lies about underlying Bowe Bergdahl’s plea of guilt to charges of desertion and (even more seriously) misbehavior before the enemy. Nicholas Fondacaro documents the suppression of the record in the NewsBuster post “Nets forget Obama admin championed Bergdahl as a ‘hero’ coming home.” Fondacaro includes the ABC News report on Bergdahl’s plea yesterday (video below). It represents the evidence »

Columbus Day & culture war

Featured image President Trump has issued the traditional proclamation recognizing Columbus Day with unambivalent praise. That seems eminently reasonable to me. Columbus Day is intended to commemorate the first link in the chain of events leading to the founding of the United States. Those of us who love the United States are inclined to celebrate the day. Trump puts it this way in the proclamation: “The permanent arrival of Europeans to the »

If he were a Richman…

Featured image When I wrote about Mark Steyn’s appearance to speak at the fall briefing of the Center of the American Experiment in 2014, I noted Mark’s improvisation at length on the theme of Rich Richman from a New York Post story on President Obama’s fundraising appearance earlier that week at the mansion of the gazillionaire. I noted that Mark played with the theme of “Rich Richman” like a jazz soloist taking »

Civil War on the Left, Part 47: Obama, Please Go Away!

Featured image We know that black turnout in the last election was down from 2012, when black turnout was actually higher than white turnout. The left screams “GOP vote suppression!,” except that the lower turnout occurred in many instances in cities and states that Democrats control. Maybe the fact that Obama was no longer on the ballot—and Hillary was—might explain why some black voters stayed home (or voted for Trump—he got the »

America: We’re not who Obama thinks we are

Featured image Last week, in denouncing President Trump’s decision on DACA, former President Obama proclaimed the decision inconsistent with “who we are as a people.” Obama was repeating a familiar refrain from his presidency, during which he often trotted out the “who we are as a people” theme to attack those who disagreed with his left-wing views on immigration, refugees, health care, Islamic terrorism, etc. I criticized Obama’s latest incantation on several »

That Was Then, This Is Now

Featured image It’s outrageous how heartless President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions are about immigration and the DACA program. Hiding behind “the rule of law” like this: [T]here are those in the immigrants’ rights community who have argued passionately that we should simply provide those who are [here] illegally with legal status, or at least ignore the laws on the books and put an end to deportation until we have better »

Obama weighs in on DACA, disingenuously

Featured image Former President Obama takes to Facebook to attack President Trump’s decision to phase out DACA. As one would expect, Obama’s piece is a masterpiece of misdirection. Scott has posted the full text of Obama’s statement. As Scott says, the former president indulges in his favorite pastimes: question begging, condescension, and attempting to make his opponents out to be indecent, immoral and stupid. I found this passage from Obama’s statement telling: »

Dreams from Obama

Featured image One of the defining characteristics of President Obama that we disliked most was his disdain for the rule of law. If he could get his way, he might take the prescribed route to his destination. If not, he took a shortcut, with his phone and his pen. He even bragged about it. Obama’s DACA program — a supposedly temporary stopgap — represents the quintessence of his monarchical disposition. Before he »

Barack Obama’s Legacy of Lies and Broken Promises on Afghanistan

Featured image In last night’s speech on Afghanistan, President Trump said: No one denies that we have inherited a challenging and troubling situation in Afghanistan and South Asia, but we do not have the luxury of going back in time and making different or better decisions. When I became President, I was given a bad and very complex hand, but I fully knew what I was getting into: big and intricate problems. »

The whole world is watching our clown show

Featured image As I say — and do forgive me for repeating myself — the shooting of the unarmed and pajama clad spiritual healer Justine Damond by Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor opens a window onto the sick culture that reigns in Minneapolis. No sooner had idiot Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges fired number 22 World Leader and Minneapolis Police Chief Janee Harteau than Hodges sought to expound on her deep thoughts for »

The new meaning of treason

Featured image Rebecca West wrote a once well-known book about British supporters of the Nazis during World War II that she called The Meaning of Treason (1947). Harry Kalven’s review is posted here. West famously revisited the subject to take account of the British Communists who spied for the Soviet Union in The New Meaning of Treason (1964). Sidney Hook’s review is here. When I wrote “The new meaning of collusion” earlier »

Did Obama tell the truth about Russia’s election meddling?

Featured image During a news conference last December, President Obama claimed that Russian interference in the 2016 election ended after he told Russian President Vladimir Putin to “cut it out” in early September. In Obama’s telling, he warned Putin of “serious consequences” if Russian interference continued. As a result the interference ceased. Here is what Obama told the American public: What I was concerned about in particular was making sure [the DNC »

How Barack Obama Conspired With an Enemy to Undermine US Foreign Policy

Featured image The Democrats are trying to make a scandal out of the fact that representatives of the Trump campaign communicated with Russians, even though those communications were 100% appropriate. I had forgotten about this post, which I wrote in March 2015, until Rush Limbaugh read from it on his program yesterday. It reminds us what a REAL scandal involving a presidential campaign and foreign policy looks like: In 2008, the Bush »

Everything Wrong with Obama in Two Sentences—With a Twist

Featured image David Garrow’s new biography of Barack Obama, Rising Star, contains this passage from an unpublished paper Obama is said to have written while a Harvard law student: “[Americans have] a continuing normative commitment to the ideals of individual freedom and mobility, values that extend far beyond the issue of race in the American mind. The depth of this commitment may be summarily dismissed as the unfounded optimism of the average »

Is Trump the New Nixon?

Featured image That certainly is how Democrats try to portray him. Trump firing Comey = Nixon firing Cox. Right? Wrong. But here is another one: With ‘tapes’ tweet, Trump evokes Nixon’s White House. The reference is to this tweet by the president: James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2017 That might have »