Obama administration
October 27, 2017 — Scott Johnson

One of our most knowledgeable law enforcement readers writes to emphasize a point bearing on our coverage of the Trump Dossier. He adds valuable context to our commentary: As a retired FBI Special Agent with over two decades of experience in counterintelligence, I’d like to make a point that Scott and Paul are surely aware of, but which it’s useful to keep at the front of your mind. Scott regularly
September 27, 2017 — Scott Johnson

Last month the New York Post reported that Attorney General Sessions was reviewing a highly developed form of corruption of the Obama administration’s Department of Justice. The Post report followed up on Ian Mason’s exclusive for Breitbart. Mason’s account made clear that Attorney General Sessions has already ordered a halt to the practice going forward — Mason posted the Attorney General’s June 5 memo on Scribd. The Post report emphasized
September 26, 2017 — Scott Johnson

“Rarely has an intelligence apparatus engaged in systematic lying—and chronic deceit about its lying—both during and even after its tenure,” writes Victor Davis Hanson. “Yet the Obama Administration’s four top security and intelligence officials time and again engaged in untruth, as if peddling lies was part of their job descriptions.” In his column “A lying quartet,” Dr. Hanson indicts Susan Rice, James Comey, John Brennan and James Clapper for lying
September 7, 2017 — John Hinderaker

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos delivered a speech at George Mason University today in which she criticized the notorious Obama administration “Dear Colleague” letter that has led to numerous miscarriages of justice on university campuses: Saying that the Obama administration’s approach to policing campus sexual assault had “failed too many students,” Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said on Thursday that her administration would rewrite the rules in an effort to protect
March 31, 2017 — Scott Johnson

The American Spectator’s Jeffrey Lord has obtained an exclusive statement from Evelyn Farkas on the video of her appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show earlier this month that we posted in “A Times source outs herself.” This is the statement that she provided to Lord verbatim, although I have added paragraphing in the interest of readability: Unfortunately, a few days ago a strange video of unknown provenance popped up on
March 31, 2017 — Scott Johnson

Evelyn Farkas is the former Obama administration Department of Defense official who appeared on MSNBC earlier this month to explain and vouch for the page-one New York Times story on the Obatatons’ efforts to disseminate word of the Trump team’s supposed connection to Russian “hacking.” Farkas left the Department of Defense in late 2015 to become a Clinton campaign adviser. I wrote about her in “A Times source outs herself.”
March 31, 2017 — Scott Johnson

Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon’s new book is The Iran Wars: Spy Games, Bank Battles, and the Secret Deals that Reshaped the Middle East. Solomon has broken many stories on the Iran beat for the Journal. His new book is must reading on the critical national security challenge presented by the regime of the mad mullahs that is on a glide path to the acquisition of nuclear weapons with
March 28, 2017 — Scott Johnson

AIPAC’s annual Policy Conference opened Sunday in Washington, D.C. and concludes today. The conference home page is here. AIPAC has posted videos here. The posted videos include speeches by Prime Minister Netanyahu, Vice President Pence, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Senate Majority Leader McConnell, House Speaker Ryan and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy as well as leading Democrats. AIPAC promotes American support of Israel on a bipartisan basis. Yesterday
March 22, 2017 — Scott Johnson

Politico reports on a story with manifold ramifications: Members of the Donald Trump transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under surveillance during the Obama administration following November’s election, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes told reporters Wednesday. Nunes said the surveillance appears to have been legal, incidental collection and that it does not appear to have been related to concerns over collusion with Russia. Nunes is going to the White
March 4, 2017 — Paul Mirengoff

And here I had foolishly hoped that President Trump would let the Russia story simmer down. Here I had foolishly imagined he would follow his fine speech to Congress by focusing the public’s attention on policy and his quest to fulfill campaign promises. Sure, the mainstream media was always going to peddle the Russia story. However, it was destined, at least for a while, to fall on mostly deaf ears.
March 4, 2017 — Scott Johnson

In the run-up to the election Louise Mensch broke the story that the Obama Justice Department and federal law enforcement authorities had obtained a Trump-related FISA warrant in October following the denial of an earlier FISA warrant request the previous June. Subsequent reports lent credence to Mensch’s story. On its way out the door the Obama administration trashed the “minimization” procedures protecting the privacy of American citizens caught in the
March 1, 2017 — Paul Mirengoff

The New York Times reports that in the last days of the Obama administration, “some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Trump and [the] Russians — across the government.” According to the Times: As Inauguration Day approached, Obama White House officials grew convinced that the intelligence was damning and that they needed
February 6, 2017 — Scott Johnson

Our friend Katherine Kersten is senior fellow at the Center of the American Experiment, Minnesota’s conservative think tank, at which John Hinderaker serves as president. Kathy is an indefatigable analyst and advocate who has effectively promoted good public policy and opposed bad public policy while breaking major stories illustrating the way we live now. Most recently, Kathy has turned her attention to the destruction of student discipline in the St.
January 8, 2017 — John Hinderaker

I wrote here, here and here about the Obama administration’s two reports that purport to show that the DNC’s email system was penetrated by Russian intelligence. (For reasons about which we can only speculate, they don’t talk about the intrusion into the email account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta.) I concluded that those reports completely failed to make the case that the Russians were behind the DNC hack.
January 4, 2017 — Paul Mirengoff

Vice president-elect Pence met this morning with House Republicans. According to what I’ve been told by a member who was present, Pence said that Donald Trump will cut short his inauguration parade so he can go to the Oval Office and rescind many of President Obama’s executive orders. In addition, as I understand it, Trump will take immediate action to begin undoing some of the administration’s regulations. There are limits
January 2, 2017 — Paul Mirengoff

Joe Asch at Dartblog has the story of how President Obama engineered the reappointment of Jim Kim ten months prior to the end of his term as president of the World Bank. Readers may recall that Kim served briefly as president of Dartmouth College. We wrote about that particular disaster here, here, and here. When Kim moved on to the World Bank in 2012, Scott stated that Dartmouth’s problem is
December 31, 2016 — John Hinderaker

I wrote here about the Obama administration’s underwhelming report, purporting to show that the malware that infected the Democratic National Committee’s email system was planted by Russia. The report is unimpressive in part because it consists mostly of pedestrian advice to IT professionals about computer security. This is the report’s description of the “Grizzly Steppe” malware: Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) IOCs associated with RIS cyber actors are provided within the