Social Issues

A Gay Conservative Comments on Obama’s Evolution

Featured image Dan Blatt, the Gay Patriot, is a friend of mine. He is a smart conservative and, as you would surmise, gay. So I thought his perspective on President Obama’s evolution–maybe the least surprising flip-flop in history–is worth hearing. Here is what Dan had to say today. If you follow the link, you can follow Dan’s links to a number of sources: Judging from my Facebook feed and anecdotal evidence from »

Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment Wins Big in North Carolina

Featured image The anti-gay marriage amendment is winning in North Carolina, currently by a margin of 60/40. That may be a bit misleading, as I don’t believe Charlotte has reported yet, but there is no question the amendment will win easily. This is a valuable reminder that, even though pro-gay marriage sentiment has gained in the last few years and may even now represent a plurality of voters, the issue is a »

Santorum offers Romney advice he is unlikely to follow

Featured image Mitt Romney met with Rick Santorum today. Reportedly, Santorum urged Romney to focus his campaign message on economic and family issues. This, of course, is what Santorum did during his campaign. And his ability to tie together the two issues – economics and the family – gave the Santorum campaign seriousness and depth that Romney’s lacked. Better than any politician I can remember, Santorum was able to explain the relationship »

Uncommon Knowledge with Charles Murray

Featured image Charles Murray is the longtime American Enterprise Institute fellow and author of several important and controversial books, perhaps none more so than this year’s Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010. Murray sat down to discuss his new book for the current installment of Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson. Through our arrangement with the Hoover Institution, we are pleased to present this installment of the program in its entirety. »

Gipper Vindicated Again, By . . . Pelosi!?!?

Featured image Of the many things liberals hated about Ronald Reagan, few excited more spasms of outrage than Reagan’s use of the image of the “welfare queen.”  Reagan gave an example of a person in Chicago who illegally collected welfare benefits under multiple names: “She has eighty names, thirty addresses, twelve Social Security cards and is collecting veteran’s benefits on four non-existing deceased husbands. And she is collecting Social Security on her »

The Case For Infanticide

Featured image Pro-lifers have long argued that it is a slippery slope from abortion to infanticide; in the case of partial-birth abortion, the distinction is slim at best. Ridiculous, liberals have long replied. Who could confuse abortion with infanticide? Ethicists, maybe. No, this is not a parody: “Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say.” Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending »

“Charles Murray Vindicated”

Featured image That’s not actually the headline of the lead story in today’s New York Times, but it could be.  The actual headline (in the print edition—online slightly different of course) is: “Unwed Mothers Now a Majority Before Age of 30.”  But the subhed is where Charles’s thesis comes in: “Most Rapid Growth Has Been Among White Women in 20s.” And the lede sentence circles back to Charles’s main argument: “It used »

Bubble? What Bubble? My Bubble Score Is. . .

Featured image . . . between 13 and 16, which yields the result that “you don’t even have a bubble.”  No, not a housing bubble, higher education bubble, or any of the other fashionable speculative bubbles of the moment.  What the heck am I talking about?  I’m talking about my score on the 20-question “How Thick Is Your Bubble?” quiz.  (Try it: it only takes about 60 seconds.) Still puzzled?  The quiz »

Do It For the Children, For Real

Featured image A few years back I had to occasion in a public forum to ask Ruy Tiexeira, a prominent Progressive nowadays ensconced at the Center for American Progress, what if anything he thought conservatives were right about.  He unhesitatingly answered: the family—both its structure and stability.  This might not seem a huge concession until you cast your mind back to the 1960s, to the rise of the twin phenomena of feminism »

When Will They Pepper Obama?

Featured image Michele Bachmann made the rounds of the Sunday morning talk shows today, fresh off her victory in the Iowa straw poll. After Michele has spent weeks hammering away on the economy, the talk show hosts wanted to talk about…gay marriage: Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) was peppered Sunday with questions about her thoughts on gay rights, but largely refused to engage them, arguing that those issues aren’t on the front of »