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Featured image Earlier this week I wrote about the press release and web page on the investigation of Ilhan Omar’s 2009 marriage to her brother in “A tale of Minnesota crime & politics.” Toward the end of my post I noted Miranda Devine’s New York Post column on the investigation. Devine appeared for a three-minute segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight discussing her column. I wrote about it yesterday in “Omar’s Daily Beast »

Forty Years On

Featured image As is being widely remarked, today is the 40th anniversary of the assassination attempt on President Reagan outside the Washington Hilton. I was a fresh-out-of-college intern working for Stan Evans up at the Capitol Hill office of his National Journalism Center, where we typically had the public radio classical music station on at low volume in the background. So when the station broke into the middle of the music to »

Et Tu, USA Today?

Featured image Glenn Reynolds writes a regular column for USA Today. This week, his column was on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Following in the footsteps of Twitter and Facebook, USA Today apparently found the column too hot to handle and declined to print it. So Glenn put it up on InstaPundit, and it is reproduced in its entirety here. original at InstaPundit is replete with links that are omitted here: BIG TECH BURNED »

Barr drives left even crazier

Featured image Attorney General Barr delivered the 19th Annual Barbara K. Olson Memorial Lecture at the Federalist Society’s 2019 National Lawyers Convention in Washington on Friday. The Department of Justice has posted the text here. I have omitted emphases, corrected a few typographical errors (not all the corrections are indicated), and posted the full text below. I have also posted video of the speech below the text (about 60 minutes). The speech »

Free Mumia? [Updated]

Featured image Mumia Abu-Jamal (formerly known as Wesley Cook) murdered Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. He was caught and prosecuted. The evidence against him was overwhelming. There is no doubt about his guilt. He was convicted by a jury and initially was sentenced to death, but his sentence was reduced to life imprisonment without parole in 2001. He exhausted his appeals long ago, and has been imprisoned since 1982. Abu-Jamal »

Tony Abbott: On Global Warming, Dare to Doubt

Featured image Tony Abbott, former Prime Minister of Australia, delivered the annual Global Warming Policy Forum lecture in London on October 9. The title of his lecture was “Daring to Doubt.” He began with some general observations on our peculiar age: It would be wrong to underestimate the strengths of the contemporary West. By objective standards, people have never had better lives. Yet our phenomenal wealth and our scientific and technological achievements »

David Horowitz: Why the Middle East Is a Disaster

Featured image In recent years, one catastrophe has followed upon another in the Middle East. In a bracing essay authored for Power Line, David Horowitz lays blame where it belongs, at the feet of the Obama administration: During the eight years of the Obama administration, half a million Christians, Yazidis and Muslims were slaughtered in the Middle East by ISIS and other Islamic jihadists, in a genocidal campaign waged in the name »

It’s 2004 All Over Again

Featured image Lately we’ve been hearing a lot about truth. It started with hysteria over “fake news” during the last election season. The “truth” narrative went into overdrive with President Trump’s unexpected (by most) victory. Here are a few of the many instances that could be cited. First, the Time magazine cover of a week or two ago: Next, Robert Redford’s op-ed in the Washington Post, recalling Watergate and “All the President’s »

Lies of “Truth” revisited

Featured image This past October 16 the Rathergate film Truth opened in more than a thousand theaters around the country. John and I warned viewers not to take the film at face value in the Weekly Standard article “Rather shameful.” On the film’s opening weekend the Star Tribune also carried my column reminding readers of the film’s factual background. The column was published as “Lies upon lies: The sad state of the »

Here’s a reasonable prosecutor who would charge Hillary Clinton

Featured image There were several embarrassing moments in James Comey’s statement yesterday. For me the most embarrassing was his claim that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a criminal prosecution against Hillary Clinton. As I noted at the time, Comey made this assertion without matching to facts he had laid out with the statutory language. Dana Milbank, the Clown Prince of the Washington Post, takes the farce one step further. He insists that »

Sen. Tom Cotton on Crime and Justice in America

Featured image Senator Tom Cotton delivered an important address today at the Hudson Institute on crime and justice in America. Cotton said he believes that the criminal-leniency bill in the Senate — which would, among other things, lead to the release of many thousands of federal drug felons from prison — is dead in this year’s Congress. What the Senator didn’t say is that he deserves much of the credit for rallying »

Could It Be Almost Over?

Featured image With new polls out showing continuing strength for Trump and not much movement by any of the other candidates, I’m starting to think Trump may prove to be unstoppable. And the more I look back on it, the more this election cycle reminds me of . . . 1976. The genius of Jimmy Carter was to understand that after Johnson and Nixon, what the country wanted in a president was someone »

“Confirmation” bias

Featured image We have observed before that the American left never gives up. That’s admirable when it comes to matters of principle and policy. Here, conservatives also fight hard, though they probably could take a page or two from the left’s playbook. But when it comes to he-said-she-said type factual disputes about personalities or events — was Alger Hiss a Russian agent; did Clarence Thomas harass Anita Hill; did Dan Rather and »

Lies of “Truth”

Featured image This past October 16 the Rathergate film Truth opened in more than a thousand theaters around the country. John and I warned viewers not to take the film at face value in the Weekly Standard article “Rather shameful.” On the film’s opening weekend the Star Tribune also carried my column reminding readers of the film’s factual background. The column was published as “Lies upon lies: The sad state of the »

Lies of “Truth”

Featured image The Rathergate film Truth opened in more than a thousand theaters around the country this past Friday. The Sunday Star Tribune carries my column reminding readers of the film’s factual background. The column is published as “Lies upon lies: The sad state of the movie ‘Truth.'” I am grateful to Star Tribune commentary editor D.J. Tice for letting the column see the light of day in the hometown paper. Please »

Anatomy of GOP fundraising [with note by Paul]

Featured image Crane Brinton was the historian whose Anatomy of Revolution used to be required reading. He was an old-fashioned type who interrupted his academic career to serve in the OSS during World War II. He encouraged fellow academics out in the real world to act on “the patient virtues [they] had acquired professionally” rather than to “get obsessed with the importance of thinking and planning.” Brinton claimed in self-deprecating fashion: “I »

“Truth” and other lies (5)

Featured image Dorothy Rabinowitz is a member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board who also contributes excellent reviews of television programs and series to the Journal’s coverage of the arts. This past Friday, I wondered what was up when Journal film reviewer Joe Morganstern omitted any mention of the Rathergate film Truth, which had just opened in New York. Perhaps Morganstern had given way to Ms. Rabinsowitz, for now comes Ms. »