Podcast: The 3WHH, “Our President Banged a Porn Star, and We Had World Peace”

Featured image Lucretia hosts this episode from her bunker in an undisclosed location in the desert southwest while John and I are still gallivanting over in Europe. And as hinted in a Power Line post, she is thermo-nuclear furious about the Trump verdict. Rather than rehash the details of the case, which everyone has picked over thoroughly by this point, the 3WHH considers what it means, and what may or should happen »

Biden’s art of the backstab

Featured imageWith Shabbat in full swing Prime Minister Netanyahu issued a special statement in English this morning. Netanyahu says that “The notion that Israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire before these conditions [i.e., the destruction of Hamas and the freeing of all hostages] are fulfilled is a non-starter.” The Prime Minister's Office: Israel's conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the »

Loose Ends (257)

Featured image• If we’re going to have lots and lots of batteries and lots of lots of “electrify everything,” then we’re going to need a whole lot more mining. Guess what, mom? Mining Is Mired in Regulatory Delays. That’s Now a Climate Problem. Put simply, support for climate action is support for mining. The faster we can build new mines in the U.S., the faster the energy transition will move. But »

Slow Joe Comments

Featured imageWell, he doesn’t actually, unless you count the smile. Reporters ask Biden to comment on Donald Trump’s claim that he is a political prisoner and Biden is responsible: Oh he's fine. This is fine. Doing good. https://t.co/u4XjqsBAIC — Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 31, 2024 It is hard to say whether Biden’s silence reflects a considered decision to say nothing about the travesty in Manhattan, or he is simply unable »

Art of the deal, Biden style

Featured imageYesterday President Biden addressed the conviction of President Trump. He has no problem with it. He finds everything to be in order. He Wants Americans to believe — and declares in so many words — that Trump is experiencing equal justice under law. “That’s how the American system of justice works,” he asserted. If only he had added “now,” he would have nailed it. We can only express the fond »

The Week in Pictures: Guilt-Free Edition

Featured imageMy truth—because everyone is entitled to their own proprietary truth now, right?—is that Donald Trump is not guilty of anything, except every blow he has struck against the left, which is a high crime at The Hague or somewhere. I’m certain that if Trump is elected again in November, the International Criminal Court will issue an arrest warrant for him (I’m not entirely joking about this), and he’ll share a »

The Daily Chart: What Terrifies Democrats About the Election

Featured imagePolitical consultant Bruce Mehlman’s latest weekly update includes this chart, which has got to be adding to Democrats’ panic over Joe Biden: Chaser—it’s not just minorities; young voters are also trending away from the Dems: »

Podcast: Ricochet Again, with Glenn Loury

Featured imageNot sure if there is going to be a regular episode of the Three Whisky Happy Hour this weekend. John is now in Venice, while I am still in Budapest (hanging out this rainy day in Cafe Scruton), while Lucretia is nine time zones behind us in her bunker, no doubt lockin’ and loadin.’ And I am sure regular listeners want to know whether she is spitting mad, or megaton-level »

Thoughts from the ammo line

Featured imageAmmo Grrrll recounts SUSAN’S VERY BAD, NO GOOD, TERRIBLE DAY. She writes: Why does it seem that when one thing goes to heck, that a clump totaling three will follow? I have written about bad days before – one during my first year of columnizing included rinsing out the pitcher part of my blender without realizing that with the bottom off, it makes a perfect funnel. Sadly, pointed directly at »

The Daily Chart: Abolish the Ivy League?

Featured imageGlenn Reynolds has long liked to post the provocation “Abolish the Ivy League” over at Instapundit, and now we have some data to back up the idea (as if we didn’t have plenty of good reason before now). The Washington Monthly notes that most of the pro-Hamas campus protests are happening at our most elite (and most expensive) universities, and it has the receipts: Using data from Harvard’s Crowd Counting »

Choose one from column A

Featured imageA footnote to John’s post awaiting the verdict: Alvin Bragg’s case against President Trump is a Stalinist joke. It is fundamentally lacking in due process. One glaring element of this is the failure to identify the second crime that revives the otherwise time-barred misdemeanor charges and turns them into a viable felony. What is the second crime and what are its elements? Like ordering from the menu in a Chinese »

Another Officer Down

Featured imageA week ago, I wrote an op-ed in the New York Post on the condition of Minneapolis, four years after the death of George Floyd. My assessment was not very positive. It included this, on crime: Crime spiked throughout Minneapolis beginning with the [2020] riots. While violent crime has declined somewhat since 2021, it remains elevated far above pre-George Floyd levels. This is due largely to the fact that the »

Where Do We Go From Here?

Featured imageFor the second time in their ignoble history, the Democrats have fired on Fort Sumter. Now the question is, what are we going to do about it? I wrote my initial thoughts on the Trump verdict yesterday afternoon. I want to add to them here. If Joe Biden is re-elected following this outrage, he will be an illegitimate president. What does that mean? It means, I think, that no one »

Implications of conviction

Featured imageThe trial of Donald Trump on jerry-rigged charges produced the foreordained outcome. Trump was found guilty by a Manhattan jury of 34 felony charges. It couldn’t have been otherwise. This was a show trial. It would have been more efficient — it would have saved a day or two in show time — if Judge Merchan had simply directed a verdict of guilt and sent the jury home when the »

Guilty [Updated]

Featured imageA grotesquely biased jury of Trump-haters, led by a judge who put service to his party above his judicial responsibilities, has returned guilty verdicts against Donald Trump on all 34 counts with which he was–absurdly–charged. What this shows is that the most important variable in any case is who decides it. Here, the Democrats knew that they could impanel a rabidly anti-Trump jury in Manhattan, so they did so. It »

At the Feeding Our Fraud trial

Featured imageAttorney Steve Schleicher is a partner at Minneapolis’s venerable Maslon firm. He is the firm’s Chair of Investigations and White Collar Defense Group. His colleagues obviously think highly of him. Schleicher represented the State of Minnesota pro bono in the prosecution of Derek Chauvin. Attorney General Keith Ellison personally recruited him and was thrilled when he consented (as I found in the emails supplied by the AG’s office in response »

Quotations from Chairman Joe

Featured imageIn the video below Chairman Joe hobbles over to respond to a reporter who asks him about the Democrats’ discontent with him. He’s defensive and angry in his familiar fashion about the question and the discontent — “Read the polls, Jack” — but reassured by the Democrats’ support for him versus Trump. Biden could have noted that, if the reporter thinks Democrats might prefer another nominee to him, he seems »