US Set to Regress From Modernity

Featured image Liberals denounce Donald Trump as a would-be tyrant, but the fact is that he ruled less by executive order than any other recent president. It is Joe Biden who has discarded the Constitution and imposed a blizzard of illegal or probably-illegal regulations on the rest of us. Lately, they have been coming so furiously that it is hard to keep up with them. The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board caught »

Today’s Horserace Snapshot. . . [With Comment by John]

Featured imageA few days ago, in “State of the Race,” I passed along the latest Bloomberg poll showing Trump surging back into a significant lead over Biden. Today it is CNN’s turn: Trump’s support in the poll among registered voters holds steady at 49% in a head-to-head matchup against Biden, the same as in CNN’s last national poll on the race in January, while Biden’s stands at 43%, not significantly different »

Barr Back Story

Featured imageIn One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General, William Barr reveals his service for the CIA and his admiration for Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and current FBI boss Christopher Wray. Barr also makes it clear that Obama and Biden were not in John Durham’s “crosshairs,” which calls to mind an episode not covered in the memoir. In the Ruby Ridge siege of 1992, the FBI deployed massive military »

Lesser of Two Evils

Featured imageA year ago, it would have been hard for me to imagine anything that would cause me to sympathize with the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and its attendees. A more disgraceful event, and a more disgraceful group of people, are hard to conceive of. But last night, the dinner was beset by kill-the-Jews protesters, an even worse gang: "Shame on you!" pro-Palestinian protesters let their voices known to the members »

Rathergate: 100 proof fraud

Featured imageThe Daily Beast’s John Fiallo reports that Dan Rather returns to CBS News today 18 years after his involuntary departure. Fiallo writes (emphasis added): The former CBS News anchor Dan Rather will make a brief return to the network Sunday, appearing in a live interview 18 years after his controversial exit. Rather, 92, is slated to be profiled on CBS News Sunday Morning through an interview with correspondent Lee Cowan, »

Screams before silence

Featured imageSheryl Sandberg has fronted the documentary Screams Before Silence that was posted to YouTube on April 26. The documentary highlights the sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas during and after its October 7 massacre. The trailer is below. Click on “Watch on YouTube” to be taken to the 56-minute documentary. Last year I saw more than a glimpse of the crazed sexual violence in the atrocity video compiled by the IDF »

How Reagan Handled the Campus

Featured imageA lot of young conservatives today like to disparage “Zombie Reaganism,” without actually knowing very much about him. But is there any political leader right now speaking as clearly as this? There is NOTHING better to watch today than THIS ⬇️ — miha schwartzenberg (@mihaschw) April 27, 2024 Though I’ll my mischievous suggestion for the day: »

A DEI Officer Bites the Dust

Featured imageThe kill-the-Jews rallies going on across America have resulted in casualties, including the leader of Columbia’s protests, now banned from the campus although it doesn’t appear that he has been expelled. Here in Minnesota, we have the entertaining spectacle of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion officer at the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health being fired, and subsequently starting a lawsuit. On to that in a moment, but first, »

The Week in Pictures: Bossy Confusion Edition

Featured imageWe’re not done with Uncle Bosie yet, and I’m starting to wonder whether someone said something to (P)resident Biden about being a boss, or being too bossy, and it triggered one of his gummed-up but imaginative synapses to invent yet another tall tale about Biden lore—the Bidens being the greatest clan since the Borgias. The cannibalism makes perfect sense, too, since what’s left of Biden’s brain is clearly cannibalizing what »

The Daily Chart: College Regrets

Featured imageThis survey of the most regretted college majors will come as no surprise to most of our readers, and I’m tempted to make the suggestion that student loan forgiveness should be granted in inverse proportion to this ranking. That is, if you majored in journalism, you’d be eligible for no more than 13 percent of your loan being forgiven. This would provide a strong incentive not to major in sociology, »

Podcast: The 3WHH With Sober Thoughts on Immunity

Featured imageWe’re going up a day earlier than usual with this week’s (ad-free!) episode, partly because our constantly irregular travel schedules complicated things again, but more importantly to be timely, as John, Lucretia, and I have LOTS of thoughts on the Supreme Court argument yesterday about whether ex-presidents should enjoy broad immunity for any or all acts they took while in office. Lucretia and I think the president does, while John »

The Power of Weakness

Featured imageModern liberals have distilled the true essence of Marxism, which is the idea that every human relationship is exploitative. Lenin summed it up as “who/whom”–who is doing what to whom? Of course this idea is ridiculous. Most human relationships, whether personal or economic, are not exploitative. But Marx’s idea has a perennial appeal to the discontented, and is endlessly malleable to suit the neuroses of the day. Thus, modern Marxists »

Black Bear Matters

Featured imageThe news on hog futures once prompted the comedian Gallagher to proclaim, “hogs have no future, I mean bacon is not exactly a career.” That is true, and bacon may have peaked at the Black Bear Diner establishments, known for large portions. For breakfast, lunch or dinner, the place offers nothing that looks like the bottom of a bird cage or something you ate an hour ago. It’s all good, »

Dead man walking

Featured imageHugh Gallagher explored what he called FDR’s Splendid Deception in his 1985 book of that title. In the title Gallagher was referring to FDR’s concealment of the polio-related paralysis that struck him in 1921. Gallagher was also a polio victim who understood the pain underlying Roosevelt’s efforts. Researching the book, Gallagher found that among the 35,000 photographs of Roosevelt at his presidential library, only two featured him in his wheelchair. »

JournoList 2

Featured imageCommentary in the liberal press is so uniform that you wonder whether reporters and commentators have coordinated their coverage, down to the word and the phrase. Well, they have, of course. You remember JournoList, where, years ago, reporters would gather to coordinate their pro-Democrat, anti-Republican stories. JournoList supposedly disbanded after it came to light, but I assume it more likely just went underground. Here we have another instance, JournoList 2. »

Will More CO2 Warm the Atmosphere?

Featured imageThere is no doubt about the fact that various gases have a “greenhouse” effect. They trap radiation leaving the Earth’s surface, thus warming the atmosphere. The chief greenhouse gas, by a wide margin, is water vapor. Carbon dioxide and methane are two more minor greenhouse gases. We owe these substances everything: without the greenhouse effect, there would be no life on Earth. The fact that some gases absorb radiation that »

Raising the Barr?

Featured imageI’ve said all along given two bad choices, I think it’s my duty to pick the person I think would do the least harm to the country. And in my mind, I will vote the Republican ticket. I think the real danger to the country — the real danger to democracy, as I say — is the progressive agenda. Trump may be playing Russian roulette, but a continuation of the Biden administration »