Monthly Archives: September 2009

Bush Speaks, Maybe

Matt Latimer, a minor speechwriter in the latter stages of the Bush administration, is trying to cash in on his time in the White House with a new book titled Speech-less. It isn’t out yet, but the first installment has appeared in GQ. I have no idea whether the book is any good, and it has already been ripped by Dana Perino, among others. But the GQ excerpt purports to »

Little Ochs from mighty ACORN grows

The New York Times gets around to the ACORN story today, portraying it as the culmination of months of efforts by conservatives to tar the Obama team with ACORN wrongdoing including “voter fraud and other transgressions.” Times reporter Scott Shane is not so much interested in the corruption exposed by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles as in the underlying forces at play: Conservative advocates and broadcasters were gleeful about the »

A “compromise” Republicans must resist

With talk of a “bipartisan compromise” very much in the air, this Examiner editorial becomes must reading. It shows that the compromise reportedly being worked out by a “Gang of Six” — Olympia Snowe, Charles Grassley, Robert Bennett, Lindsay Graham, Mike Crapo, and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee — which includes an individual mandate to buy government-approved health insurance, runs counter to basic conservative/Republican principles. Here’s why: First, the individual mandate »

IBD: The doctors speak

Investor’s Business Daily has just released a new poll of practicing physicians regarding Obamacare. The IBD poll was conducted by mail, with more than 1,000 physicians chosen randomly throughout the country taking part; responses are still arriving. The IBD article reporting the poll results unfortunately does not discuss the accuracy or reliability of the poll. The poll indicates that two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan »

“If They Were Liberal, They’d Be Helping You”

James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles have released ACORN video number four at Big Government. This one takes place at an ACORN office in San Bernardino. Once again, O’Keefe plays a pimp and aspiring politician, while Giles ostensibly is a prostitute. The ACORN employee they meet with is more than happy to help them obtain a house where underaged girls from Central America can turn tricks. She says she used to »


Do you remember the song “Signs” by the Five Man Electrical Band? The first verse begins in medias res: And the sign said long haired freaky people need not apply, So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why. He said you look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you’ll do. So I took off my hat I said imagine »

Who Should Be Disapproved Of?

This afternoon, the House of Representatives adopted a resolution of disapproval, condemning Joe Wilson’s “you lie!” interjection in President Obama’s speech to Congress last week. The vote was 240-179, almost entirely along party lines. The Democrats’ hypocrisy is demonstrated by the fact that during the Bush administration, they voted down a similar motion when Pete Stark–one of their own–not only called President Bush a liar, but said that Bush was »

Cluelessness at ABC

Why hasn’t ABC covered the ACORN scandal? Well, for one thing, anchorman Charlie Gibson doesn’t even know about it: He doesn’t seem embarrassed about being ignorant of the story, either, even though it’s already resulted in an 83-7 vote in the Senate. You have to wonder what news sources Gibson and others at ABC are following. »

So Much for the Bounce

Last night Paul noted the modest impact that President Obama’s televised speech and related efforts to rally support for the Democrats’ health care plan was having, as measured by the Washington Post/ABC News poll. The Rasmussen survey, on the other hand, did measure a relatively significant increase in support for the plan among likely voters. As of a few days ago, support for the plan surpassed 50 percent, 51-46, for »

More to Come

The folks at ACORN must be beside themselves. James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles have now released three videos of themselves soliciting, and receiving, help from ACORN employees in committing various criminal acts. Already, their investigation has caused the Senate to vote 83-7 to bar HUD from giving grants to ACORN. Today, House Republicans will go further, introducing legislation to terminate all federal funding to ACORN and its affiliates. And O’Keefe »

Bin Laden recommends

In his latest message to the American people, Osama bin Laden provided a list of recommended reading. “After you read the suggested books,” Osama declared, “you will know the truth, and you will be greatly shocked by the scale of concealment that has been exercised on you.” Bin Laden recommends: 1. The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, by Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer. We wrote at length about the »

Has Obama been neutralized for now?

A Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that even after President Obama’s address on health care, more people oppose than support “the proposed changes to the health care system being developed by Congress and the Obama administration.” Forty-eight percent oppose these change; 46 percent support them. Thus, the president’s speech appears to have produced only the smallest of bounces for his approach to health care reform. The Post-ABC survey did find »

Wind Power: Not So Powerful

Do you have to be smarter to run a dry cleaning shop than to be President? In some respects, yes. If you are a dry cleaner and the numbers don’t add up, you go broke. If you are President (or a Congressman) and the numbers don’t add up, you just tax or borrow more money. No one has ever said that Barack Obama is a numbers guy; in fact, his »

My Heroes, part 2

Glenn Reynolds posts the photo of the lady who appeared at the 9/12 March on Washington with the t-shirt advertising herself as the Boob Czar and reports that “various readers hope that the Boob Czar will become a fixture at Tea Party protests.” I greatly admire the lady’s wit. In one stroke she laughs at herself and mocks the pretensions of the Obama administration. Long may she stun. JOHN adds: »

My Heroes

We are witnessing a resurgence in grass-roots conservatism. To go with it, we could use more guerrilla conservatism. At the moment, the most effective such effort is coming from James O’Keefe, 25, and Hannah Giles, 20, who, as everyone knows, are releasing a series of videos in which they go to various ACORN offices looking for help in securing a mortgage. Not just any mortgage, of course, a fraudulent one, »

Mark Falcoff: The Chávez threat

Mark Falcoff is the Resident Scholar Emeritus at the American Enterprise Institute and the author, most recently, of Cuba the Morning After: Confronting Castro’s Legacy. He writes to assess the threat that Hugo Chávez poses to the United States: Just how dangerous is Chávez’s Venezuela to the United States? The answer is: both more and less than the media are telling us. In my forty-some years following Latin American issues, »

It’s not about you, Mr. President

During his appearance on 60 Minutes, President Obama declared: I intend to be president for a while and once this bill passes, I own it….I’m the one who’s going to be held responsible. So I have every incentive to get this right. This argument tells us plenty about Obama, but nothing about the merits of the “reform” he is pushing. First, the argument proves too much. Every president “owns” every »