Democratic Party Bullies Try to Scuttle Trump’s Inauguration

This morning on Meet the Press, Democratic Party hack John Lewis said that he will not attend Donald Trump’s inauguration because Trump is “not a legitimate president.” Shocking though it may be, this anti-democratic rhetoric is common in the Democratic Party, and many have taken it to an even lower level. Never before in our history has one party been so petty as to try to interfere with the traditional celebrations that accompany a presidential inauguration, but that is what the Democrats are doing now.

Every performer who has agreed to participate in the inaugural has been bullied mercilessly by the Democrats, and most are unable to take the heat, or to sustain the financial loss that could result from a boycott. One after another, they have either dropped out or declined to appear in the first place. Opera singer Andrea Bocelli has withdrawn, saying he has gotten death threats from liberals. Singer Jennifer Holliday tearfully recanted and apologized for being so bold as to think she could perform at a Republican president’s inauguration:

My only choice must now be to stand with the LGBT Community and to state unequivocally that I WILL NOT PERFORM FOR THE WELCOME CONCERT OR FOR ANY OF THE INAUGURATION FESTIVITIES!

What does the LGBT Community have to do with it? Isn’t Trump a liberal on the social issues? No matter, I guess.

Singer Paul Anka developed a scheduling conflict. Frankly, I hadn’t realized that he was still alive. Trump isn’t exactly assembling an all-star cast.

One of the few who have stood up to the bullies is country singer Toby Keith. He refused to apologize for participating in the inaugural:

I don’t apologize for performing for our country or military. I performed at events for previous presidents Bush and Obama and over 200 shows in Iraq and Afghanistan for the USO.

Toby Keith is a big star, and as a country musician, he arguably has less to fear from a liberal boycott than some. Mostly, though, if you know anything about Keith, the man isn’t a coward. But why would anyone think that a performer should apologize for participating in a presidential inauguration?

While not directly related to the inaugural, actress Nicole Kidman deserves a little credit too. In an interview with the BBC, she declined to tee off on Trump, as expected. Instead, she said:

[Trump is] now elected and we, as a country, need to support whoever is the president. That is what the country is based on. And however that happened, it happened, and let’s go.

While not particularly pro-Trump, that was enough to draw howls of outrage from the liberal jackals. Given an opportunity to recant in a subsequent interview, Kidman declined to do so:

“I was trying to stress that I believe in democracy and the American Constitution, and it was that simple,” she told Liz Hernandez.

When pressed for further comment on the issue, the Oscar winner stated “I’m out of it now; that’s what I said and it’s that simple.”

In Hollywood, that’s about as good as it gets.

Most people don’t like bullies. Around the country, millions are watching the Democrats’ crazed attacks on Donald Trump, and on anyone who declines to join their hate-fest, and are more convinced than ever that they voted for the right candidate.

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