At the New York Post, Paul Sperry reports that the Trump administration’s Departments of Education and Justice will revoke the Obama administration’s infamous “guidance” on race quotas in school discipline:
Federal Education Department officials told the Post the guidance, known as the “2014 Dear Colleague letter,” will be rescinded this year, but only after drafting another rule to replace it. The substitute guidance will make it clear that the government will no longer rely on the disputed legal theory known as “disparate impact,” which Obama investigators used to threaten school districts with discrimination charges.
“Just withdrawing the letter without replacing it with another letter interpreting disparate impact more narrowly would do little” to convince school officials to change their discipline policies back, a senior department official said.
Putting out a new rule requires publicly inviting people from both sides to offer input, the official added, and the process will likely delay the repeal until July.
He and other sources say Attorney General Jeff Sessions is on board the decision to scrap the Obama rule.
This is great news. The Obama “guidance” has been a disaster, making learning almost impossible in many schools. Minority students have been especially hard hit. The demise of Obama’s racial discipline quotas can’t come too soon.
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