We have been writing about the growing anti-Semitism of the Democratic Party, but don’t kid yourself: the Left hates Christianity more than it does Judaism. The Left’s bigotry has manifested itself over the last few days in connection with Karen Pence, the vice-president’s wife. David French explains (links omitted):
Karen Pence is a believing Christian woman. She took a part-time job at a private Christian school. And this, believe it or not, is a scandal. Don’t believe me? Her job has already merited not just one, but two critical Washington Post stories. There’s the obligatory CNN report, accompanied by a piece of commentary that argues the school is “like a real-life setting for ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.’”
Shockingly, the Christian church has teachings about sexual morality that are at odds with the Left’s celebration of homosexuality and sexual confusion. The Christian school at which Mrs. Pence teaches requires its parents to express agreement with Christian teachings on this and other topics. How scandalous can you get? The overt bigotry on display from members of the left-wing press is, in my opinion, shocking. This one comes from a CNN White House reporter:
So, lemme get this straight, the second lady of the United States has chosen to work at a school that openly discriminates against LGBT adults and children. https://t.co/A4lxOv7V8G
— Kate Bennett (@KateBennett_DC) January 16, 2019
This was tweeted by a Washington Post editor and writer for Politico:
How can this happen in America in 2019? https://t.co/OrjMdiEuk0
— Lois Romano (@loisromano) January 16, 2019
How is this possible in America in 2019? Umm…maybe because we have religious freedom here?
David French sums it up well:
[T]here is no scandal at all if people who dissent from Christian orthodoxy form churches, organizations, and schools and hire like-minded people to advance their shared faith. It’s no scandal at all if they exclude people who disagree with their mission and purpose.
Is the Democratic party wrong if it excludes Republicans? Is a Muslim mosque wrong if it wants to be led by an imam and not a rabbi?
Not only is this not scandalous, but it’s also the exercise of a fundamental First Amendment right. If Lois Romano or Kate Bennett or any other Karen Pence critic wants to argue against Christian theology, then have at it. Most Christians I know welcome the dialogue. But if they want to condemn a woman for the free exercise of her Christian faith? If they want to argue that there’s something inherently wrong with orthodox Christians’ associating, worshipping together, and teaching their children? Well, then they’re exhibiting a deep intolerance that’s at odds with pluralism itself.
Deep intolerance, of course, is what contemporary liberalism is all about. It dominates, among other things, the Democratic Party and its press mouthpieces. And it hates diversity.
My only additional comment is that the same leftists who smear Karen Pence for exercising her Christian faith celebrate Muslims like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. Do liberals think that Islamic private schools promote homosexuality? Will any Washington Post reporter wonder “How can this happen in America in 2019?” because Islamic schools don’t approve of what used to be called sexual immorality?
Heh. Just kidding. Don’t hold your breath. Rank hypocrisy has a new name: it is called “intersectionality.”
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