Steve wrote on Thursday about Nature magazine publishing a blacklist of prominent global warming realists. Steve and I were both happy to be on the list. Others have responded in various ways. Australia’s Joanne Nova created this hilarious parody of the cover of Nature, “The International Journal of Fashions In Science.” Click to enlarge:
Lord Monckton, on the other hand, is not amused. He has written to various parties threatening legal action; you can read his letters at the link.
It appears that Nature Communications is already backpedaling:
You should be aware that, following a letter from me yesterday to Nature Communications, the “learned” journal in which the “peer-reviewed” “research” “study” that is the subject of your press release was published, that journal has removed all reference to the offending purported “study” from its homepage and has added to the page containing the purported “study” a paragraph indicating that it is investigating “a number of criticisms related to this work”, and has removed altogether the list of names of the alleged “deniers”, including my name.
With respect to climate, as on pretty much every other issue, the Left is losing the argument and responds by trying to silence those who point out the facts. The jury is still out on whether this will prove to be a winning strategy, but on this particular front, it appears that the bad guys are in retreat.
STEVE adds: I was going to do an update on this, but John beat me to it. It’s part of his evil scheme to climb the rankings and overtake me! Anyway, here’s what went up Friday at the Nature Communication article link:
I predict the article is going to be withdrawn, or sent back to the authors for considerable “revision,” and then never be seen again. Another own-goal for the climatistas.
Here’s one of the protests that got the editors’ attention:
Roger’s unpardonable sin, going back over a decade now, was embarrassing Al Gore, by pointing out that some of his arguments in his climate horror flick “An Inconvenient Truth” were not supported by the UN science reports, and that some of his reasoning about weather-related disasters were so poor that Gore actually changed his slide show. The first commandment of the climate orthodoxy is Thou Shalt Not Deviate from the Talking Points, even if the “consensus” science contradicts them.
And Judith Curry, former chair of the atmospheric sciences department at Georgia Tech (whose weekly roundup of climate science news I should highlight here more often), has a long critique, “The Latest Travesty in Consensus Enforcement.” Definitely worth a read.
P.S. This Tweet about the editors’ note is worthy:
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