Joe Biden and Me

Sky News of Australia has several excellent television programs. One is hosted by my friend Andrew Bolt, whose show I have appeared on a number of times in recent years. In the last couple of months I have been on another show, Outsiders, twice. It has three hosts and is also excellent. I was on Outsiders last Saturday night, which is Sunday in Australia.

Coincidentally, a friend emailed me this Outsiders segment earlier today. It is a compendium of Joe Biden’s greatest hits, with apt commentary by one of the hosts. In the days that have gone by since this clip was made, you could add a couple more to the list:

On my appearance Saturday night, I discussed the coronavirus and the U.S. political scene. At the end of my segment, I was talking about the presidential election and, having made a couple of preliminary observations, was coming to my main point when the show had to go to a break. You can see it here:

After the show, the principal host emailed me to say thanks and added that they had been besieged with phone calls and tweets complaining that they had cut me off as I was about to make a big point. Shortly thereafter, I got an email from a woman in Sydney who had tracked down my email address and wanted to know what I had intended to say. I told her.

So now the plan is for me to appear again on next weekend’s show, and begin the segment by recapping the “controversy” and giving me an opportunity to complete my last answer, and move on from there. Television, like most things, seems to be more fun when it’s Australian.

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