Loose Ends (225)

No sooner do I note yesterday that Vanity Fair had lost its mind with its “DeSantis is Hitler” headline than The Atlantic says to VF, “Hold my Bud Light.” In fact they did a series to one-up VF:

It can no longer be denied: The Atlantic has gone to pot.

Not to be left behind, behold The Root:

Finally—the long-awaited J.J. Abrams reboot/re-imagining of Free Willy:

Revenge of the orcas? Killer whales have sunk 3 boats in unusual attacks.

A spate of encounters between orcas and boats off the Iberian coast has puzzled scientists and sailors recently, as seemingly coordinated ambushes by the killer whales led to the sinking of three vessels. The reason for the attacks, according to one scientist who has studied the phenomenon, may be revenge.

I am sure it is revenge for climate change.

Speaking of Bud Light, they’re resorting to giving it away. It seems urban looters don’t even want the stuff:

Meanwhile, Target stores have said to Tranheuser-Busch (and Disney), “Hold my Bud Light”:


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