President Biden shares a propensity to transgress legal constraints after declaring that he lacked the authority to do what he subsequently does. “One would think posing as a defender of our system would force Biden to be more fastidious about his own relationship to our institutions and norms, although that doesn’t seem to have occurred to him,” Rich Lowry writes. Say this on Biden’s behalf. There is a lot more than this that hasn’t occurred to him. The guy has a hard time finding his way off a stage.
It sounds almost naïve. “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here. We are Democrats. Standards are to be used against Republicans.”
Lowry has nevertheless performed the useful service of taking up “acts that have been in the news the last couple of weeks[.]” Employing the ancient rhetorical device of praeteritio, he prefaces his summary: “Put aside the big kahuna, the student-debt forgiveness, which has no plausible basis in law, and the ongoing treatment of immigration law as a mere suggestion.” I have a hard time putting these aside, but then the past few weeks have added this:
[T]he frank defiance of the Comstock Act prohibition on sending abortion-inducing substances through the mail; the rewriting of Title IX on the fly to include gender identity and to impose new nationwide rules on schools regarding males in women’s sports; and the distortion of the rules to make illegal immigrants covered under DACA — itself the product of an edict with no basis in the law about a decade ago — eligible for ObamaCare.
All of this alone would be a pretty good record of lawlessness.
You got a problem with that? Lowry’s column is “Super Biden, ‘defender of democracy’ — only when he’s not undermining it.” He makes the case that we should.
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