Thoughts from the ammo line

Ammo Grrrll bears GOOD NEWS FOR ELDERLY DADDIES! She writes:

You just never know when a piece of good news will bob to the surface in the Sea of Sludge and Despond in which we have been immersed for several years now.

It has come to my attention that elements of the Federal Government have come up with a program to raise the self-esteem of retirees. And who is the least likely mope to have taken this program to heart but Hunter Biden himself! I’m talking, of course, about the TAKE YOUR DADDY TO WORK DAY.

Parenthetically, I once performed — probably close to 20 years ago now — for the TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER TO WORK DAY at a big Fortune 500 Company in Minneapolis. It went very badly. The girls were, I believe, from 8 or 9 to about 12 and were THE worst-behaved audience I performed for in my entire career. And that includes drunken college students. The spoiled little brats who appeared to have been raised by wolves anbd turned their desks around, talked throughout. One girl came up and tried to grab the microphone out of my hand.

Only two little girls were polite and engaged and they happened to be African-American. I assumed they had been raised in the South where this kind of treatment of your elders was not tolerated, but I could be wrong. My guess is that the rest of them became Women’s Studies Professors at Oberlin College and are now incredibly proud to have one or more children who have “transitioned.” Again, I could be wrong, but that seemed like the direction in which they were headed.

But let’s just circle back to TAKE YOUR DADDY TO WORK DAY! Let’s say you are closing a big International sale peddling, oh, I don’t know, microchips or Influence or something, with clients in the Ukraine.

What could make that sale go more smoothly than to have your demented, blowhard father show up to shoot the breeze about the weather? UNLESS…no it’s too weird to contemplate…UNLESS your clients doubt that you actually possess the juice you are claiming and you need the Big Guy with the real Influence to pop out and seal the deal.

There is no other logical explanation and every lying liar who lies and his dog KNOWS THAT. The lying and spinning would be almost humorous if so much were not at stake.

Because, really, what IS Hunter’s “business”? What special knowledge about whatever Burisma was peddling did this Navy washout, 10-rehab alumnus possess that nobody else in the entire world could bring to the board for the nominal sum of $83,000 A MONTH?

For those of you whose children are recent graduates in Early Etruscan Poetry or Sociology (my major! Luckily I could type. Fast), how thrilled would you be if your kid landed a job for $83,000 a YEAR? Plus, maybe, some health benefits and a company car.

No, the aptly-named Hunter (cocaine, any drug really, and skanky women) took to heart Mark Knopfler’s great rock anthem “Money for Nothing and Chicks For Free.” He brought absolutely nothing to Burisma EXCEPT Influence and, oh yeah, that billion his Daddy brags about to raucous laughter worthy of any Stalinist hack listening to Papa Joe Stalin tell a joke.

And, of course, the Burisma loot was only the tip of the iceberg and not nearly enough to sustain the entire Biden Family Burden, let alone keep Hunter in hookers and drugs. If Joe the Meteorologist showed up at least 20 more times that the Democrats are admitting to, then my goodness how far-flung must have been Hunter’s empire! Some chick in Russia gifted him with diamonds? Three million dollars appeared for one day in a near-dormant account that had usually held between $10,000 and $40,000. It vanished the very next day, too. Man, how come that NEVER randomly happens to MY accounts? 170 “Suspicious Activity Reports” filed when the norm for a bank would be 2 in a decade.

And not one Democrat cares.

Not counting my dozens of dear friends who have become friends commenting here, the majority of my former friends and current relatives are completely fine with all this. Because Orange Man Bad. My question to them and the scabrous trolls assigned to PL is this: WHAT’S IT GONNA TAKE? WHAT’S IT GONNA TAKE to say “Hmmmm…I suspect something here is not entirely kosher”?

I DID take my Daddy to work with me once. I opened for Doc Severinsen at the Ordway Theatre in St. Paul. Daddy also played the trumpet, including Taps and Reveille in the Navy, and I was able to give Daddy the thrill of a lifetime to go out to eat and party later with Doc himself. For his part, Doc was one of the most charming, down-to-earth stars it was my pleasure to open for and he was most complimentary about my set and extremely gracious to my parents.

MY Daddy was an honest and honorable man and quite lucid up until a few months before his passing at age 96, much more so than Biden is now.

Sometimes he was confused about precisely what era he was currently living in. He would report to me that that very day he had been pheasant hunting with his three brothers, all of whom had been dead for many years. We would talk about other things and after awhile he would frown and say, “I don’t think that’s right, Susie. How could I be pheasant hunting when it isn’t even pheasant season?” And we would agree that that was the main problem with that scenario and carry on.

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