In the information war

As I have stated several times, the IDF has proved itself a more reliable source of information than mainstream media sources in past wars. Now Hamas is claiming the IDF hit a hospital in Gaza. Though it has since been changed, the original headline on the AP story reporting the explosion appears to have read “Israel bombs Gaza [hospital] where civilians sought refuge.” The story was based on the assertion of “[t]he Health Ministry run by Hamas.” Mark that down as a characteristic victory for Hamas in the information war.

I should have added previously that the IDF is to Hamas as George Washington is to Joseoh Goebbels. I therefore credit the IDF statement attributing responsibility for the hit on the Gaza hospital to Palestinian Islamic Jihad pending further information from reliable sources.

UPDATE: And this just in.

MORE: And this seems to narrow the possibilities pretty persuasively.

STEVE adds—Even the New York Times is walking it back:

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