Are Democrats Really This Dumb?

Taking a sabbatical from daily blogging is a lot like dieting: It’s hard to keep it up and resist temptation. Especially when a fresh glazed donut or delicious, creamy chocolate cake rolls by your nose.

In this case the irresistible treat of a news story concerns the social media blitz that “first gentleman” (the provisional label for Doug Emhoff, aka, Mr. Kamala Harris) spooled out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram Monday night showing VP Harris and Emhoff lighting a menorah and “celebrating” Hanukkah in the following way:

All the social media posts with this message were quickly removed when it was pointed out that this rendition of the story of Hanukkah isn’t even accurate in some twisted parallel universe where Mr. Spock has a goatee beard. It has about it the quality of an old James Thurber story that went something as follows (I can’t find the original):

Women are ruling the world. The reason they are ruling the world is that they have such an insecure knowledge of history. I found myself sitting next to a lady on an airplane the other day who all of a sudden turned to me, and she said, ‘Why did we have to pay for Louisiana when we got all the other states for free?’ I explained it to her, and said, ‘Louisiana was owned by two sisters, Louisa and Anna Wilmot. And they offered to give it to the United States provided it was named after them. That was the Wilmot Proviso. But President Winfield Scott refused to do that. That was the Dred Scott decision.’ And she said, ‘Well that’s all very well. But I still don’t understand why we had to pay for the Louisiana Purchase.’

This sounds like something Kamala Harris would say with total sincerity.

The only explanation I can think of is that Kamala Harris’s staff hates her, and sends up these repeated gaffes on purpose. Was there not even an intern in the Veep’s office who knows how to use Wikipedia, let alone have some elemental knowledge of Jewish traditions and observances?

The likely reason for this (pardon me) ham-handed treatment is that Democrats are panicked about the damage pro-Hamas progressives are doing to the Democratic Party, so Harris and her entourage did what they knew best: pander. But in choosing this absurd, fun-house mirror version of Hanukkah that makes Jews into victims rather that a rebellion against oppression and a stout victory at arms to recapture Jerusalem, they inadvertently revealed that for Democrats, the only way out of the box canyon of their party’s growing anti-Semitism is to figure out a way to shoehorn Jews into their table of protected classes of oppressed minorities.

It isn’t going to work, any better than this social media mess did.

P.S. Yes—Kamala’s husband Doug Emhoff is Jewish, but I’m wondering if he flunked Hebrew school or something.

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